617 - Australian Law News - Australian Lawyers at Canadian Forum on Info News
618 - La Trobe Uni - Of Judicial Independence
621 - Law Institute Journal - Tomorrow Belongs To...
622 - Gov't of Vic - Youth, Sex and the Law
623 - Law Council of Australia - Pearl Watson and Family Law
624 - The Sidaway Speech - The Rights of Patients and the Law
625 - Foreword - Promotion and Disciplinary Appeals in Gov't Service
626 - Forbes Rotary Club - Defective Baby Cases Need Law Reform
627 - Canadian Institute for the Admin of Justice - Judging - A Look to the Future
628 - Canadian Institute for the Admin of Justice - Computers May Replace Judges in the Future
629 - Art Gallery of NSW - Instant Photography - Popular Art
630 - Canadian Bar Assoc - Tech, The Law and Legal Institutions
632 - Cth Secretariat - Medical Tech and New Frontiers of Family Law
633 - Contribution to the Australopedia - Concept of Law in Australia
634 - Ind Relations Soc of Australia - At the Cross Roads or The Club Revisited
635 - Australiana Opera Auditions C'tee - A Tribute to Dame Joan Hammond
636 - Foreword - The Legal Implications of Sex Reassignments
637 - Foreword - Ivory Scales - Black Australian and the Law
638 - Tas C'tee of the Nat Book Council - The Law as Literature - A Contradiction in Terms
639 - Foreword - The Trial of the Experts - A Study of Expert Evidence and Forensic Experts
640 - State Memorial Service - Lionel Murphy - Jurist and Man
641 - Vic Assoc for Gifted and Talented Children - Talented Children - Ten More Commandments
642 - First Australian Artificial Intelligence Congress - Legal and Ethical Issues in AI
643 - Book Launch - Lionel Murphy - The Rule of Law
644 - Australian Bicentennial Authority - Aboriginal Bicentenary
645 - Vic Police - Crazy Charade or Centrepiece of Liberty
646 - UN Assoc of Australia - Two Pilgrims for Human Rights - Alan Missen and Lionel Murphy
647 - NZ Futures Trust - The International Role of the Professions in the Future - A New Runnymede
648 - NZ Futures Trust - Australasia Revisited - Towards the Trans - Tasman Federation
649 - Australian Journal of Family Law - Medical Technology and New Frontiers of Family Law
650 - Book Review - The Right to Die - Understanding Euthanasia
651 - Canterbury Law Review - The Future of the Judiciary
652 - UNSWLJ - International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of Media Personnel
653 - Foreword - Lionel Murphy - A Radical Judge
654 - Introduction to Video on Regulation of Insurance Brokers
655 - David Syme and Co - Two Books of the Judgments of Justice Lionel Murphy
656 - Uni of Vic, Canada - Human Rights and Technology - A New Dilemma