"Rodney G. Miller has published a new book on “persuasive language styles”, titled Australians Speak Out. In the book, there is an analysis and tabular comparison of the language styles of notable Australians. These include Griffith, Louisa Lawson, Curtin, Menzies, Whitlam, Oodgeroo, Germaine Greer, Bob Hawke and Michael Kirby. Attached is that chapter which has numerous quotes from Kirby’s articles and speeches."
Click DOWNLOAD to read the 5th Chapter: “Michael Kirby – The Australian Community and Anti-Heroes” (pp. 246-256).
A Private Life
For Chinese readers, I have attached a translation of a chapter of my book ‘’A Private Life’’ concerning my partner Johan. This will give them an insight into me and my life. And the importance of love to every human being.
中文读者们: 我将我的《私人生活》一书中关于我的伴侣Johan一章的中文译本附上。 想来会帮助你们更多地了解我和我的生活, 以及爱对每个人都是多么重要。
Ian Lee :
I am Ian Leigh (Yi Li), a passionate translator/ interpreter, a single gay man eager for love, and a future lawyer maybe. It is such a honour to translate Michael's biography and share it with every interested readers. Graduated from University of Western Sydney, I am looking for every opportunities to branch out my bilingual knowledge and translation techniques to bridge two distinguished cultures and fight for LGBT right movement in my way. I also translated a book, Simon LeVay's “Gay,Straight, and Reason Why: the Science of Sexual Orientation” for, Aibai, a dedicated LGBT right NGO in China. I hope you like my translation, and feel free to give your opinion for my translation. I am also available as a freelancer translator/interpreter on a commercial basis.
李易,一名充满热情的口笔译员,一位渴望爱的单身同志,未来有可能成为一名律师。能够受邀翻译迈克的传记,并与各位读者分享,实在是荣幸之至。我毕业于西悉尼大学的口笔译专业,尽我双语所长搭建澳中交流的桥梁,并为LGBT权利运动运动贡献一己之力。我还为中国爱白翻译了西蒙 李维的著作《同性、异性取向,原因何在,性取向中的科学》一书。希望大家能够喜欢我的作品,也请大家对翻译中的错误提出指正。如果任何企业或其它机构需要全职翻译或者口译员,本人乐意效劳。
李易 (Ian Leigh)
Ruobing Yang: Ruobing came to Australia in 1997 and became an Australian citizen in 2001. He currently works as a solicitor and migration agent at Taylor & Scott Lawyers in Sydney. Prior to that, he worked as a Financial Analyst at Allianz Australia, and also in Marketing and Administration at the University of Technology Sydney. His partner, Atom, operates one of the best Thai restaurant in Sydney – Atom Thai.
杨若冰来毕业于上海大学悉尼工商学院。 2001年在澳大利亚扎根。 在悉尼大学法学院获取法学博士学位后在悉尼一所拥有118年历史的律师行任职。 他是新南威尔士持牌律师, 以及澳大利亚注册移民律师。 在此之前,他曾在澳大利亚安联担任财务分析师。 他的伴侣, Atom, 经营着悉尼颇有名气的Atom Thai泰国餐馆。