1414 - Report of the S - G on the Second International Consultation on HIV - AIDS and Human Rights
1415 - Judicial Stress Revisited (SC and FC Judges' Conference)
1416 - Who's Praying Now (Australian Magazine)
1417 - Leadership (Canberra Bulletin of Pub Administration)
1418 - Foreword - The Living Law
1420 - Memories of Oscar Schmalzbach
1421 - Towards Civic Friendship - Opening and Closing Statements of the Chairman (Malawi)
1422 - Report on Seminar on Democracy in Malawi
1423 - Constitutional Centenary and the Counting of Blessings (Ninian Stephen Lecture)
1424 - The Struggle for Simplicity - Lord Cooke and and Fundamental Rights (Auckland April 1997)
1425 - Interview - Heather McLean (Shaking Off the Judiciary's Colonial Past)
1426 - Book Chapter - Corporate Governance
1427 - The Australian Constitution - A Centenary Assessment
1429 - Book Review - The Captive Republic
1431 - Obituary - Oscar Schmalzbach
1433 - A New Movement in the Common Law (ICJ)
1434 - Judicial Stress - A Reply
1435 - The Growing Rapprochement Between International Law and National Law
1436 - Book Review - Ethics, Law and Medical Practice
1437 - The Growing Use by Commonwealth Courts of Int HR Norms (The Parliamentarian)(