579 - Prince Henry's Hospital Ethical and Moral Issues in Health Care
580 - SA Dept of Education Bright Children Have Rights
581 - WHO Breat Milk Substitutes
583 - ABC Tribute to Emeritus Professor Julius Stone
584 - Fed of Parents' and Citizens' Associations of NSW Public Education A Place for Excellence
587 - Book Launch The Law Handbook The Provision of Legal Advice to the Poor Remains A Major Problem
588 - Australian Institute of Tertiary Educational Administrators The Last of the Fiefdoms
589 - The Late The Honourable Francis Charles Hutley
590 - Macquarie Uni Tribute to Emeritus Professor Bruce Mansfield
591 - Library Promotion C'tee of Tas Libraries and the End of the New Feudalism
592 - Town of Albany Vancouver, The Bicentenary and the Law
593 - Crim Law Assoc of SA Pre Trial Publicity Free Speech v Fair Trial
594 - Dinner to Mark 1st Anniversary the Appt of Justice Kirby
595 - Australian Journal of Law and Society Julius Stone A Memoire
597 - Nat Ombudsman Symposium Ombudsman The Future
598 - ALJ AIDS Legislation Turning Up The Heat
599 - Pub Service Assoc of SA The Changes Ahead in Employment, Industrial and Info Laws
600 - Book Launch Mishap of Malpractice A Defence of Medical Negligence Cases
601 - Seventh Day Adventist Church of Australia The Chamberlain Case Lifting our Sights
602 - ICJ Report of Justice Kirby
603 - Foreword Access to Gov't Doc Int Persp & Trends FOI Coming Counter Ref
604 - Foreword An Introduction to the Science of Peace (Irenology)
605 - Australian Foreign Affairs Record Australian Judge Proposes Reform of ICJ
606 - ALJ Human Rights The Challenge of New Technology
607 - Macquarie Uni Union Sydney's New Uni A Bicentennial Initiative in Education
608 - Legal Research Foundation of NZ Accountability and the Right to Reasons
609 - Int Congress of Psychosomatic Obstretrics and Gynaecology The Law and Intersexuality
610 - Dep't Justice, Can Privacy Law & OECD Guidelines Privacy Protection in Australia An Update
612 - Commission for the Future The New Tech , Human Rights and Global Perspectives
613 - Seminar on the Protection of Journalists in Conflict The Need for Red Cross Initiatives
614 - Cth Secretariat Medical Tech and Frontiers of Family Law
615 - Australian Institute of Criminology The Sentencing Council Revisited