The webinar on human rights fact-finding that took place on Tuesday, 28 September 2021 at 6 PM AEST.
The webinar was organised by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, which has undertaken important research into human rights abuses in Sri Lanka and the way in which such abuses can be effectively and fairly investigated, given the common refusal of governments and local bodies to cooperate with investigations that include allegations of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes. PI AC, in cooperation with international civil society organisations, has developed Guidelines on the methodology of fact-finding in such circumstances.
The Honourable Michael Kirby delivered opening and closing remarks to the webinar. These were based on his experience in investigating alleged human rights abuses and crimes against humanity in DPRK (North Korea), while chairing the commission of inquiry, created by the UN Human Rights Council (2013-14). Although North Korea refused entry to the commission of inquiry and any cooperation with its members and staff, it still prove possible to conduct detailed and fair scrutiny of allegations of grave human rights crimes.
Michael Kirby reminded participants that an important role of all international human rights investigations was to give a voice to those who have suffered, so that the international community can be made aware of wrongs and demand transparent accountability.’