Ms Jan Stephenson (FSGHS 1962-1967).  Jan Stephenson was born in December 1951 and became a notable Australian professional golfer.  She succeeded greatly as an Australian professional golfer, becoming of the LPGA Tour in 1974.  She won 3 major championships and 16 LPGA Tour events.  She secured 41 victories in international golfing, including LPGA Legends Tour and 8 world championships.  She notched up 15 holes in one with 9 in competition.  In 2019, she was elected to the World Golf Hall of Fame.  In this interview, she tells of her early encouragement in golfing at Fort Street Girls’ High School and how she ultimately moved to the United States (Florida) to pursue her golfing career.  However, she returns to Australia from time to time.  This interview by Michael Kirby was recorded during one such return to her native land.