“On 27 September 2021, a conference took place under the auspices of the Geoffrey Nice Foundation concerning the state of human rights in North Korea. The Hon. Michael Kirby of Australia was the Chair of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council to report on the state of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Its report was delivered to the Human Rights Council on 17 March 2014. It recorded shocking testimony of witnesses who had suffered grave abuses of their human rights which the COI found amounted to crimes against humanity. In his statement, Michael Kirby called on the international community to remember, and act upon, the report of the COI and not to turn away from the findings and conclusions. Attached is the link to the speech by Michael Kirby to the opening of the conference of NKWatch, together with news articles relating to the conference and to Michael Kirby’s remarks”.
Below are the news articles related to the conference.
https://www.voakorea.com/a/6247866.html (starts from 9:48)