Dr Elwyn Elms, Motor and Traffic Law, New South Wales, (Originally published by Butterworths (now LexisNexis Australia) 1994)   Foreword by M.D. Kirby. Originally written for the release of the text when it was first published in hardcopy in 1994 at pages 51-53 at a time when His Honour (as he then was) was President of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales; subsequently a Justice of the High Court of Australia, 1996–2009. View

Alice Erh-Soon Tay and Eugene Kamenka (eds), Lawmaking in Australia, (Edward Arnold, Melbourne, 1980) ISBN 0 7267 2032 1 (Hbk).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “Reforming the Law”, pp39-76.

S.C. Hayes and R. Hayes, Mental Retardation:  Law, Policy and Administration (Law Book Co., Sydney, 1982).  ISBN 0 455 20469 1 (Hbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.vii-x.

A.R. Blackshield (Ed), Legal Change:  Essays in Honour of Julius Stone (Butterworths, Sydney 1983).  ISBN 0 409 49130 6.  Chapter by Michael Kirby (ch.15) “Law Reform as ‘Ministering to Justice’”, pp.201-222.

M. Stenmark, Mum’s The Word (North Rocks, Sydney, 1986).  ISBN 0 9591657 (Hbk).  Entry by Michael Kirby, pp.109-110.

Walter Fürst et all (Eds.), Festschrift für Wolfgang Zeidler, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1987.  Chapter 6, M.D. Kirby, “Zeidler and the Future of the Judiciary”, pp.101-122.

J.A. Scutt (Ed.), Lionel Murphy:  A Radical Judge, (McCulloch Publishing, Melbourne, 1987), ISBN 0 949 646 17 2 (Hbk). Foreword by Michael Kirby, pp.4-9.

Glen Bates and Libby Hathorn, Half-Time, Perspectives on Mid-Life, (Fontana Books, 1987). ISBN 0 00 636919 7 (Pbk). Chapter "Justice Michael Kirby", p.76.

Garry Sturgess, Philip Chubb, Judging the World: Law and Politics in the World's Leading Courts, "Michael Kirby: Prisident, Court of Appeal Supreme Court of New South Wales" (Butterworths, 1988), 366-371.

Max Charlesworth, Life, Death, Genes and Ethics (1989 Boyer Lectures) (ABC Books, 1989).  Foreword by Michael Kirby “Bioethics and Democracy – A Fundamental Question” ISBN 0-7333-0002-2, pp.1-12.

Tun Salleh Abas with K. Das, May Day for Justice, (Magnus Books, Kuala Lumpur, 1989).  ISBN 9 839631 00 4 (Hbk).  Foreword by The Hon. Justice Micahel Kirby CMG, p. xiv.

Vernon D. Plueckhahn and Stephen M. Cordner, Ethics, Legal Medicine and Forensic Pathology, Second Edition (Kyodo Printing Co., Singapore, 1991).  ISBN  0 522 84445 6.  Foreword by The Hon. Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-vi.

Jenny Lee, Philip Mead, John Bangsund and Douglas Kirsner, Meanjin, "The Intellectual and the Law: A Personal View" Michael Kirby, Volume 50, Number 4, 1991, 523.  ISBN 0 522 84448 0. 

Bruce Mansfield and Mark Hutchinson,Liberty of Opportunity: A History of Macquarie University 1964-1989, Foreword, Hale & Iremonger (1992) 9-13 ISBN 0868064742.

John Arnold, Peter Spearitt and David Walker (Eds) Out of Empire:  The British Dominion of Australia (Mandarin, Melbourne, 1993).  ISBN 1 863302 54 9, pp.313-318.

Wayne Hudson and David Carter, (Eds) The Republicanism Debate (NSWU Press, Sydney, 1993).  ISBN 0 86840 277 X.  Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “Reflections on Constitutional Monarchy”, pp.61-76.

D.C. Jayasuriya,(Ed.) HIV Law, Ethics and Human Rights:  Text and Materials (UNDP, New Delhi, 1995).  Chapter 11 by M.D. Kirby, “The Role of the Judiciary and HIV Law”, pp.312-329. 

Naomi Flutter and Carl Solomon (Eds), Tilting Cages:  An Anthology of Refugee Writings.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, ppix-xi.

P.A. Joseph (Ed), Essays on the Constitution (Brooks, 1995) 142 “Trans-Tasman Relations Towards 2000 and Beyond” by Hon. M.D. Kirby and Philip A Joseph.

Gerard B. Carter, Subpoena Law and Practice in Australia (Blackstone Press, Sydney, 1996).  ISBN 1 875114 43 2.  Forward by M.D. Kirby.

Christine Williams, Fathers & Sons (Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1996).  ISBN 0207 189633.  Chapter by Michael Kirby, p.61-72.

P.N. Gray, Artificial Legal Intelligence (Dartmouth, Aldershot, 1997).  ISBN 1 85521 266 8.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.xvii-xxixx.

Kerry Breen, Vernon Pluekhahn and Stephen Cordner, (Eds.) Ethics, Law and Medical Practice (Allen & Unwin, Melbourne, 1997).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.xi-xii.

Nicholas J. Mullany and Allen M. Linden (Eds) Torts Tomorrow:  A Tribute to John Fleming (LBC Info Services, Sydney, 1998).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “Comparativism, Realism and the Economic Factor – Fleming’s Legacies”, pp.1-15. 

David Kinley, Human Rights in Australian Law (The Federation Press, 1998).  Foreword by Michael Kirby, pp.iv-viii.

Michael Bogle, Convicts, (Historic Houses Trust, Sydney, 1999).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.x-xii.  ISBN 0 949753 90 4.

Jenny Hocking, Lionel Murphy – A Political Biography (2nd Ed) (Cambridge Uni Press, Cambridge, 2000), ISBN 0 521 79485 4 (Pbk). Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.iii-xii.

Lee A. Bygrave, Data Protection Law – Approaching its Rationale, Logic and Limits (Kluwer Law International, The Hague, 2002).  ISBN 90-411-9870-9.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.xi-xiv.

Baden Offord, Homosexual Rights As Human Rights:  Activism in Indonesia, Singapore and Australia (Peter Lang Publishers, Oxford, 2003).  ISBN 3-906769-81-X 1.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby.

J. Isaac and S. Macintyre (Eds), The New Province for Law and Order:  100 Years of Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (Cambridge Uni Press, Cambridge, 2004).  ISBN 0 521 84289 1 (Hbk).  Chapter by Michael Kirby and Breen Creighton, “The Law of Conciliation and Arbitration”, pp.98-138.

Janusz Symonides (Editor), Human Rights: International Protection, Monitoring, Enforcement, Indicators for the Implementation of Human Rights, Michael Kirby (UNESCO Publishing, 2003) 325-346, ISBN 92 3 103882 4.

Sally Warhaft (Ed), Well May We Say ... The Speeches That Made Australia (Black Inc, Melbourne, 2004), ISBN 1 86395 277 2 (Pbk).  Michael Kirby “We are Celebrating Our Freedoms by Being Here” (p.472) and Michael Kirby “There Will Be No U-Turns”, p.553. 

Judicial Commission of New South Wales and Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, The Role of the Judge (Education Monograph Letter 3), (Judicial Commission, Sydney, 2004).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “Judicial Stress”, pp.43-58.  ISBN 0 7313 5608 X (Pbk). 

Stuart Barton Babbage, Memiors of a Loose Canon, (Acorn Press Limited, 2004),  ISBN 0 908284 58 6 (Hbk). Foreword, Michael Kirby, p.v. 

R. P. Meagher and S. Fieldhouse, Portraits on Yellow Paper (Central Queensland Uni Press, Rockhampton, 2004).  ISBN 1 876780 55 X (Pbk).  Pp.39-42.

Laurence O. Gostin, The AIDS Pandemic:  Complacency, Injustice and Unfulfilled Expectations (United North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill and London, 2004).  ISBN 0-8078-2830-0.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby pp.xi-xviii. 

Stephen Macedo (Ed), Universal Jurisdiction:  National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International Law (Uni of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2004) (Pbk 2006).  ISBN-10: 0 8122-1950-3.  Chapter by M.D. Kirby (ch.12) “Universal Jurisdiction and Judicial Reluctance:  A New ’14 Points’”, pp.240-259.

Gerard Goggin and Christopher Newell, Disability in Australia:  Exposing a Social Apartheid, (UNSW Press, Kensington, 2005).  ISBN 0868407194.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby.

Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, When Our Children Come Out:  How to Support Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Young People, (Finch Publishing, Warriewood NSW, 2005).  ISBN 1876451440.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby.

Brian Opeskin and D. Weisbrot (Eds) The Promise of Law Reform (Federation Press, 2005, Sydney).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “Are We There Yet?” (ch.30), pp.433-448.

S. Bronitt and B. McSherry, Principles of Criminal Law (2nd Ed) (Lawbook Co., Sydney, 2005).  ISBN 0 455 22106 5 (Pbk).  M.D. Kirby, Foreword to the second edition, p.v-viii.

United Nations Development Programme, Programming for Justice:  Access for All.  A Practitioner’s Guide to a Human Rights-Based Approach to Access to Justice, (UNDP, 2005).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.iii.

Andrew Metcalfe and Ann Game, Teachers Who Change Lives, (Melbourne University Publishing Ltd, 2006) ISBN  978 0 52285 175 5 (Pbk). "Michael Kirby: Lessons Not Forgotten", p.71

Stephen Macedo (Ed.),  Universal Jurisdiction: National Courts and the Prosecution of Serious Crimes Under International Law (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006) "Universal Jurisdiction and Judicial Reluctance: A new "Fourteen Points", 240-259. 

T.L.H. McCormack and C. Saunders (Eds), Sir Ninian Stephen:  A Tribute (Miegunah Press, Melbourne Uni, Melbourne, 2007), ISBN 97805 2285 1021 and 0 522 85102 9 (Hbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.vii-xvi. 

P. Vout, Torts (The Laws of Australia) (2nd Ed) (Thomson Lawbook Co., Sydney, 2007), ISBN 9780455 22 486 2.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, vii-x.

Mark Finnane, J.V. Barry:  A Life (UNSW Press, Sydney, 2007).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.vii-x.  ISBN 978 086840 845 3 (Hbk).

P. Cashman, Class Action - Law and Practice (Federation Press, Sydney, 2007).  ISBN 978 186287 646 0 (Hbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, v-viii.

Deborah Cao, Translating Law (Multi-lingual, Clevedon, UK, 2007).  ISBN-13:978-1-85359-954-5 (Hbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.vii-x.

Dorothy Campbell and Scott Campbell, The Liberating of Lady Chatterley and Other True Stories – A History of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties (Southwood Press, Sydney, 2007).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.vii.

L. Pearson, Carol Harlow and M. Taggart (Eds), Administrative Law in a Changing State:  Essays in Honour of Mark Aronson (Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2008).  ISBN 978-1-84113-787-2.  Introduction by Michael Kirby, pp.1-14.

Matthew Rimmer, Intellectual Property and Biology:  Biological Inventions (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2008).  ISBN 978 1 84542 947 8.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, vi-x.

R.K. Choudhury and T.G. Choudhury, Judicial Reflections of Justice Bhagwati (Eastern Law House, Kolkata, 2008).  ISBN 978 81 7177 211 7 (2008).  Introduction by M.D. Kirby, pp.ix-xiii.

Cameron Stewart, Ian Kerridge and Malcolm Parker, The Australian Medico-Legal Handbook (Churchill Livingstone, Sydney, 2008).  ISBN 978 0 7295 3760 5 (Pbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.vii-ix.

K. Buckley and B. Buckely, Buckleys’!  Ken Buckley:  Historian, Author and Civil Libertarian.  An Autobiography (A & A Book, Sydney, 2008).  ISBN 978 097 578 6482 (Pbk).  Introduction by M.D. Kirby, pp.3-14.

Helen Sykes (Ed.), Issues of our Time (Future Leaders, 2008).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “Sexuality”.  Pp.50-58.  ISBN 9780980332018 (pbk).

Christopher Newell and Baden Offord (Eds.), Activating Human Rights in Education:  Exploration, Innovation and Transformation (Australian College of Educators Annual Year Book, Deakin, ACT, 2008).  ISBN 13 978 1 920819 98 9.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby.

B.A. Hocking (Ed), The Nexus of Law and Biology:  New Ethical Challenges (Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, 2009).  ISBN 978-0-7546-2380-9.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby ix-xiv.

Thomas Crofts and Kelley Burton, The Criminal Codes – Commentary and Materials (6th Ed) (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2009).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby pp.v-viii.  ISBN 9 780455 227 054 (Pbk).

Paul Vout (Ed), Unconscionable Conduct – The Laws of Australia (2nd Ed) (Thomson Reuters, Sydney, 2009).  ISBN 9780 455227 139 (Pbk).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.vii-xii.

The Samuel Griffith Society, Upholding the Australian Constitution (Proceedings, 18th Conference, May 2008, Vol.18).  Chapter by Michael Kirby “Sir Harry Gibbs Remembered”, pp.1-15.  ISBN 1327-1539 2006.

Greta Bird and Nicole Rogers (Eds.), The Art of Judging, A special issue of the Southern Cross University Law Review (2008) Vol.12, SCULR. Chapter by the Hon. Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG, p.129-147. ISSN 1329-3737.

Dr Fergus Ryan, Muriel Walls, Brian Barrington, Dr Simone Wong, Irish Council for Civil Liberties, The General Scheme of the Civil Partnership Bill: Legal Consequences and Human Rights Implications, (2009) ICCL Seminar Series, Vol.1, pp. 1-4.  Foreword by Michael Kirby, ISBN 978-0-9544557-1-2.

National Pro Bono Resource Centre, Pro Bono Practices Guide – A National Guide to the Pro Bono Practices of 30 Australian Law Firms.  Foreword by Michael Kirby, pp.4-5 (2009).

Louis Blom Cooper, Brice Dickson and Gavin Drewry, The Judicial House of Lords 1876-2009 Oxford Uni. Press, Oxford, 2009.  Chapter 19(a) “Australia and New Zealand”, pp.339-350.  ISBN 978 0 19 953271 1.

Gita Bellin, Amazing Grace Series, Reflections, Foreword by M.D. Kirby, June 2009.

Rohan Price, The Employment Laws of Hong Kong and China (LexisNexis, 2009).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.v-ix.  ISBN 978-988-8016-81-5.

There's Something About A Rose, Compiled by Malcolm Beazley and Judith Pugh, Friends of Old Parliament House Rose Garden Canberra, "To A Rose", poem by David and Michael Kirby, p34.

Mads Andenas and Duncan Fangrieve (Eds.), Tom Bingham and the Transformation of Law – A Liber Amoricum, Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “The Lords, Tom Bingham and Australia”.  pp.913.727.

Helen Sykes (Ed.), Future Justice, (Future Leaders, 2010), Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “Homosexuality and Love”, Ch.5, pp.66-81.

Tim Girling-Butcher, Sin City (Historic Houses Trust, Sydney, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.4-7.  ISBN 9781876991364 (hbk).

Ken Crispin, The Quest For Justice (Scribe, Melbourne, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.ix-xiii.  ISBN 978192640438 (pbk).

Gabriël Moens and John Trone, Commercial Law of the European Union (Springer, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby pp.v-xiii.  ISBN 978-90-481-8773-7.

2010 Monash Law Student’s Society, Careers Guide, Foreword by M.D. Kirby pp.5-6.

Paul Wilson and Robyn Lincoln (Eds)., Crime On My Mind (New Holland, 2010).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “My Brush With Crime”, pp.91-95.  ISBN 9781741107135 (pbk).

K. Forester and D. Griffiths, Essentials of Law for Health Professionals (3rd Ed., Elsivier, Sydney, 2010).  ISBN 978 0 7295 3915 9 (pbk).  Book review by M.D. Kirby in Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal (2010) 13, 97-99. 

B.N. Kirpal, Ashok H. Desai, gopal Subranamium, Rajeev Dhavan, Raju Ramchandran (Eds), Supreme But Not Infallible (Oxford University Press, 2010).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “The Supreme Court of India and Australian Law”, pp.66-84.

Pamela D. Schulz, Courts and Judges on Trial (Lit Verlag, Berlin, 2010).  Introduction by M.D. Kirby, pp.xv-xix.

Geraldine Mackenzie and Nigel Stobbs, Principles of Sentencing (The Federation Press, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.v-viii.

Paula Gerber and Adiva Sifris (Eds), Current Trends in the Regulation of Same-Sex Relationships (The Federation Press, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.vii.

Bibi Sangha, Kent Roach, Robert Moles Forensic Investigations and Miscarriages of Justice (Irwin Law, 2010).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.xvii.

United Nations Development Programme, Punitive Laws, Human Rights and HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Asia Pacific.  International Day Against Homophobia, May 17, 2010.  “International Day Against Homophobia” High Level Dialogue Report, 2010, p20.  ISBN 978-974-680-270-3.

Who’s Who in Australia 2011, XLVII Edition.  Foreword by M.D. Kirby.

Brian Fitzgerald and Benedict Atkinson (Eds), Copyright Future Copyright Freedom (Sydney University Press, Sydney, 2011).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, pp.3-18

Luca Anceschi, Joseph Anthony Camilleri, Ruwan Palapathwala and Andrew Wicking (Eds), Religion and Ethics in a Globalizing World (Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby, “The People of the Book:  Reconciling Religious Fundamentals with Universal Human Rights”, pp.85-101.

James Lee,(Ed), From House of Lords to Supreme Court (Hart Publishing, Oxford and Portland, Oregon, 2011).  Chapter by M.D. Kirby “A Darwinian Reflection on Judicial Values and Appointments to Final National Courts”, pp9-34.

Victor Marsh (Ed), Speak Now - Australian Pespectives on Same-Sex Marriage (Clouds of Magellan, Melbourne, 2011).  Foreword by M.D. Kirby, p.xix.

Five Uneasy Pieces - Essays on Scripture and Sexuality (ATF, Adelaide, 2011).  Introduction by Michael Kirby, pxix.

Verlag C.H. Beck, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, (The Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 2011) "Intellectual Property Law, Human Rights and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic - The Urgen Need for a Luther of Jurisprudence", 42 IIC page 251-256, ISSN 0018-9855.

Dr. Wolfgang Babeck, Einfuhrung in das australische Recht (Verlag C.H. Beck Munchen, 2011).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG p.XI.

Evert A Lindquist, Sam Vincent and John Wanna, Delivering Policy Reform: Anchoring Significant Reforms in Turbulent Times, (ANU E Press, 2011).  ISBN 9781921862182 (Pbk), ISBN 9781921862199 (eBook).  Chapter by Michael Kirby, "Institutional renewal and reform: the challenge of the Commonwealth of Nations", pp. 109-120.

Dr. Stuart Edser, Being Gay, Being Christian (Exisle Publishing, 2012).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, p.9.

Stephen Bottomley and Simon Bronitt, Law in Context, (4th Ed.) (Federation Press, 2012). ISBN 978 1 86287 842 6 (pbk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, p.v.

G.C. Lindsay SC (Ed.), Australian Bar Review, (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2012) Vol 35, No. 3, Article by the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, p.201, ISSN 0814-8589.

Ian Neil and David Chin, The Modern Contract of Employment, (Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2012). ISBN 97800455224534 (Hbk).   Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-ix.

Diana Wyndham, Norman Haire and the study of sex, (Sydney University Press, 2012).  ISBN  9781743320068 (Pbk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 9-13.

Mark Trowell QC, The Trial of Anwar Ibrahim: Sodomy II, (Marshall Cavendish, Singapore, 2012).  ISBN 9789814398077 (Pbk).  Foreword the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 9-23.  

Xanana Gusmao, Strategies for the Future (Longuville Books, 2012) ISBN 978 1 92068 178 4 (Pbk). Chapter by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, p. 6.

Frank Bongiorno, The Sex Lives of Australians, A History  (Black Inc. Books, 2012). ISBN 978 1 86395 5676 6 (Pbk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG p.ix.

Goh Bee Chen, Baden Offord and Rob Garbutt (Eds.), Activating Human Rights and Peace (Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2012) ISBN 978 1 4094 3076 6 (Hbk), ISBN 978 1 4094 3077 3 (ebook).  Chapter 7 by Michael Kirby p.91.

Bede Harris, Freedom, Democracy and Accountability: A Vision for a New Australian Constitution (Vivid Publishing, Fremantle, Western Australia, 2012).  ISBN 978 1 9222 0404 2 (Pbk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. i-vi.

Before Today and Forever: Perspectives of Transition, (Orara High School, New South Wales, 2012), Foreword by the hon. Michael D. Kirby AC CMG, p.1.

Joel Butler and Terry Gygar, Australasian Mooting Manual, 2nd Edition, (LexisNexis Skills Series, 2012), ISBN 9780409329162 (Pbk), 9780409329889 (Hbk), Foreword by the Hon. Michael D. Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-vii.

David Sale, Number 96: Mavis Bramston and me, (Vivid Publishing, Fremantle, Western Australia, 2013).  ISBN  9781922204080 (Pbk).  Foreword by Michael Kirby, pp. vii - ix. 

Paula Gerber and Melissa Castan (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on Human Rights Law in Australia, (Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia, 2013).  ISBN 9780455229973 (Pbk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-x.

David Weisbrot, So You Want to be a Lawyer?: A guide for current and prospective students in Australia, (ACER Press, 2013), Foreword, pp. v-vii. 

Michael A. Grodin, Daniel Tarantola, George J. Annas and Sofia Gruskin (Eds.), Health and Human Rights in a Changing World (Routledge, UK, 2013).  ISBN 978 0 415 50398 3 (Hbk), 978 0 415 50399 0 ((Pbk) and 978 0 203 57629 8 (Ebk).  Chapter by Michael Kirby "Point of View: Eleanor Roosevelt Drives By", pp. 28-31.

Leif Gamertsfelder, Corporate Information and the Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, Sydney, 2013).  ISBN 978 0 409 33309 1 (Pbk), 978 0  409 33310 7 (Ebk).  Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-viii.

Edited by Troy Bramston, The Whitlam Legacy, (Federation Press, Sydney, 2013). ISBN 978 186287 903 4 (Hbk).  Chapter 1 by Michael Kirby "Gough Whitlam: In His Father's Shadow". pp. 16 - 24. 

Perry Herzfeld and Thomas Prince, Statutory Interpretation Principles, The Laws of Australia, (Lawbook Co., 2014).  ISBN 978-0-455-23254-6 (Pbk).  foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-vi.

Edited by Edwin Simpson & Miranda Stewart, Sham Transactions, (Oxford University Press, 2013), ISBN 978-0-19-9685349 (Hbk). Chapter 16 by the Hon. Michael Kirby "Sham and Tax Law in Australia" pp. 270-287.

Louise Whelan, New Settlers, (T&G Publishing, 2013), ISBN 978-0-9870790-2-2. Text by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 6-7.

Edited by Jessica Young and Rebecca Lee, The Common Law Lecture Series 2011-2013, the University of Hong Kong,  the Hong Kong Faculty of Law, (2013). ISBN 978-988-19008-0-7 (pbk), "Osmond and the Duty to Give Reasons in Administrative Law - A Case of Judicial Heartbreak?", pp. 39-83.

David Weisbrot, So You Want To Be A Lawyer?: a Guide for current and prospective students in Australia" (ACER Press, 2013), ISBN 978-1-74286-101-2 (pbk), Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-vii.

The Common Law Lecture Series 2011-2013, "Osmond and the Duty to Give Reasons in Administrative Law - A Case of Judicial Heartbreak",  Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, 2013, pp. 39-83.

Peter Robinson, Gay Men's Relationships Across the Life Course (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013), ISBN 978-0-230-24412-2 (Hbk), Foreword by Michael Kirby, pp. ix- xiv.  

Agnes Herzberg, Editor, Statistics, Science and Public Policy, XVIII. Evidence, Equality and Policy, Proceedings of the Conference on Statistics, Science and Public Policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, UK April 17-20, 2013, Chapter 2, "Equality: The Great Challenge of Human Rights". pp. 7-17; Chapter 29 "Summing Up: Parables, Insights, Magic", pp. 165-172.

Kate Milberry (Ed), 50 Years of Freedom: A Festschrift Celebration for the Golden Anniversary of the BC Civil Liberties Association, (The Law Foundation of British Columbia, 2013) "A Celebration of Civil Liberties in Canada and the World Our Legacy of Criminal Law: Advancing Liberty in the Face of Intransigence?" by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 37-44.

Mark Findlay, Stephen Odgers, Stanley Yeo, Australian Criminal Justice, Fifth Edition, (Oxford University Press, 2014), Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, ISBN 978-0-12-552115-3.

The Wilkins Collection: Celebrating 40 years of New South Wales Higher School Certificate Visual Arts (The Arts Unit, NSW Department of Education and Communities, 2014) Introduction, "Tribute to William Wilkins: Restless visionary of public education in Australia", Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 12-15. 

Mark Robinson SC (Ed.) Judicial Review: The Laws of Australia (Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, 2014), Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, ISBN 978-0-45523411-3.

Perry Herzfeld and Thomas Prince, Statutory Interpretation PrinciplesThe Laws of Australia (Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, 2014), Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-viii, ISBN 978-0-455-232546. 

Ben White, Fiona McDonald, Lindy Willmott, Health Law in Australia, Second Edition, (Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, 2014) Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. vii-ix. ISBN: 978-0-455-231549.

Sally Warhaft (Ed), Well May We Say... The Speeches that Made Australia  "There Will Be No U Turns" by Michael Kirby, (Text Publishing, Melbourne, Australia, 2014) pp. 552-555. 

Malcolm Cope (ed.) Interpreting Principles of Equity, The Federation Press (2014) Chapter 9, "Equity's Australian Isolationism", The Hon. Michael Kirby, pp 211-246.

Meredith Burgmann (ed.) Dirty Secrets: Our ASIO Files, "The Files - Michael Kirby: The Commos and Me" (NewSouth Publishing, University of New South Wales Press Ltd, 2014) pp 49-68.

Michael Tilbury, Simon N M Young and Ludwig Ng, Reforming Law Reform: Perspectives from Hong Kong and Beyond, (Hong Kong University Press, 2014) "Changing Fashions and Enduring Values in Law Reform", pp 23-41; "Reforming Law Reform: Concluding Reflections" pp 260-275, ISBN 978 988 8208241. 

Michael Fullilove, Men and Women of Australia!: Our Greatest Modern Speeches, chapter "Michael Kirby: Love is the Ultimate Foundation of all Human Rights" (Penguin Group, 2014) pp 255-258.

Dr Wolfgang Babeck, A comparative introduction to Australian law,  Sydney/Berlin 2015, Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 11-15.

Nicholas Seddon, Seddon On Deeds, (The Federation Press, 2015) Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. v-ix.

Mark Trowell QC, The Prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim: The Final Play, (Marshall Cavendish Editions, 2015) Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 9-24.

Brill/Nijhoff, Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law, (Leiden-Boston 2014) Volume 15, Issue 1 & 2, 2014, ISSN 1388-1906, Introduction, Special Section on North Korea, the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 1-12. 

Global Bioethics: What for?,  20th Anniversary of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme, (UNESCO Publishing, 2015), "Global bioethics and global intellectual property law" Michael Kirby, pp. 77-81.

David Hardy, Bold: Stories from Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex People, (The Rag & Bone Man Press Inc, 2015), "Michael Kirby & Johan van Vloten" p xiv ISBN 978 0 992584504.   

Bibi Sangha and Robert Moles, Miscarriages of Justice: Criminal Appeals and the Rule of Law in Australia, (LexisNexis Butterworths Australia 2015) Foreword pp. v-x. ISBN 9780409340723

Robert Tonkinson (Ed.) The Wentworth Lectures: Honouring fifty years of Australian Indigenous Studies(Aboriginal Studies Press 2015), First Australians, Law and the High Court of Australia, 2010 Wentworth Lecture, pp 281-297.

Sue Pigdon, Nepal Hot Flushes In High Places  (Published in Australia, by Sue Pigdon, 2015) Endorsement by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG

Ian Enright and Robert Merkin, Sutton on Insurance Law, (Lawbook Co., 2015) Introduction by the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. cclxxi 

Thomas A. Faunce (Ed), Nanotechnology Toward the Sustainocene, Introduction, "Analogial Precedents: Informatics, Biotechnology, and Energy", the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG (Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd, 2015) pp. xv - xxx.

M.D. Kirby, Sexual Orientation & Gender Identiy - A New Province of Law for India, Tagore Law Lectures, 2015 Justice Michael Kirby, Lectures Delivered at University of Calcutta, Universal Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, India.

Professor A.M. Herzberg (Editor), Statistics, Science and Public Policy: XIX. Communication, Knowledge and Understanding, (April 23-26, 2014) "Chapter 30, Communication, Knowledge and Understanding: Summing Up" M. Kirby, (Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication), 183-193.  ISBN 978 1 55339 481 5.  

Jung-Hoon Lee (ed.), Seoul Dialogue for Human RightsCelebrating the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta: In Search of Liberty and Human Rights in North Korea, Yonsei Centre for Human Rights, November 2015, pp 36-42, 111-113, 169-170.

John Emerson, John Jefferson Bray: A Vigilant Life, (Monash University Publishing, 2015) Foreword by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp vii-xi, ISBN 978 1 922235619.

German Solinis (ed.) Global Bioethics: What For? 20th Anniversary of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme, (UNESCO Publishing, 2015) "Global Bioethics and Global Intellectual Property Law" Michael Kirby, pp 77-81, ISBN 9789231 000614.

Keith Mascord, Faith Without Fear: Risky Choices Facing Contemporary Christians, Morning Star Publishing, 2016,  endorsement by The Hon. Michael Kirby, ISBN 978 0 994264534 

Paul Vout (ed.) Torts, The Laws of Australia, Third Edition, (Lawbook Co., Thomson Reuters, 2016) Foreword by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG pp. vii-viv, ISBN 978 0 455238487.   

Doug Hodgson (editor), Human Rights: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives - International Human Rights and Justice, (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2016), Foreword by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG pp vii-x, ISBN 978 1 634847094.

Helen Sykes and Spencer Zifcak (eds) Humane Rights, (Future Leaders, 2016) "Human Rights Gay Rights" pp 5-19.

Australian National University, Biography Footnotes, The Newsletter of the National Centre of Biography, Issue 16, August 2016, "ABD@50, From Navigators to Landladies", pp 5-7, ISSN 1838-6377.

Peter Condliffe, Conflict ManagementA Practical Guide, (5th Edition), LexisNexis Butterworths, 2016, Foreword by M. D. Kirby, v-vi, ISBN 978 0 409342956.

Hossein Esmaeil, Gus worby and Simone Tur, Indigenous Australians, Social Justice and Legal Reform: Honouring Elliott Johnston (Federation Press 2016), Chapter 15 "Elliott Johnston, Social Values and Justice" by Michael Kirby, 252-264.

John McKenna QC, 2016 Queensland Legal Yearbook, "Centenary of Sir Harry Gibbs: constitutional methodology, lawmaking and the marriage plebiscite, Supreme Court Libarary Queensland, pp 313-327.  

Peter Condliffe,Conflict Management: A Practical Guide (5th EditionLexisNexis, Butterworths Australia, 2016) Foreword to the Second Edition, vii-ix, ISBN 978-0-409-34295-6.

Anthony E. Cassimatis and Peter Billings, Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting, (Lawbook Co. 2016) Foreword by The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG, v-viii, ISBN 9780455230825.

Professor Anthony E Cassimatis, Associate Professor Peter Billings, Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting, (LawBook Co. 2016) Foreword The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG, v-viii.

Hossein Esmaeili, Gus Worby and Simone Tur (Editors),Indigenous Australians, Social Justice and Legal Reform: Honouring Elliott Johnston" Elliott Johnston, Social Values and Justice (Federation Press 2016) 252-264.

Graham Greenleaf, Asian Data Privacy Laws: Trade and Human Rights Perspectives, (Oxford University Press, 2017) 7 (1): 70-71.

Paul Vout (Editor), Unconscionable Conduct: The Laws of Australia, (Third Edition, LawBook Co. 2017, Thomson Reuters, 2017) Foreword to the Third Edition, vii-x.  ISBN 978-0-455-238562.

Dr Lokendra Malik, Selected Reflections on the Indian Presidency: Essays in Honour of President Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Foreword, ix-xii, (Satish Upadhyay, Satyam Law International). ISBN 9789382823636.

Blackstone Careers Handbook 2017, (Blackstone Society of the University of Western Australia 2017), "Former Justice of the High Court: The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG", 179-181.

Adam McBeth, Justice Nolan, Simon Rice, The International Law of Human Rights (Second Edition, Oxford University Press, 2017) Foreword The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, v-vii ISBN 978-0-19-030424-9.

George Douvelos (Ed.), Anthony Roy Gubbay: A Judicial Life, (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2017) "Just, Bold, Creative - The Judicial Life of Tony Gubbay (Encounters with the Zimbabwean Judiciary)" The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp 18-28 ISBN 9780854902347.

Alannah & Madeline Foundation, Letters of Love: Words from the Heart Penned by Prominent Australians, "Michael Kirby" (Affirm Press 2017) pp 183-185 ISBN 9781925475586. 

H P Lee (second edition), Constitutional Conflicts in Contemporary Malaysia, (Oxford University Press, 2017) "Foreword", vii-x ISBN 9780198755999.

Mark Trowell QC, Anwar Returns: The Final Twist The Prosecution and Release of Anwar Ibrahim (Times Publishing Group, 2018), "Foreword" 9-15, ISBN 978-981-4828-59-8.

Ben White, Fiona McDonald, Lindy Willmott, Health Law in Australia, Third Edition (Lawbook Co., 2018)  "Foreword" v-vii ISBN 978-0-455-238753.  

The Remarkable,, "The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG", 24 May 2018, 174-176. 

Peter Blazey, Screw Loose, "Foreword, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG", (Gazebo Books, Elizabeth Bay, 2018) I-VIII, ISBN 978-0-9876191-0-5.  

Richard Hedger,Telling Tales, "Michael", ACON, 2018, 49 ISBN 978-0-646-98143-7.

Joseph Carmel Chetcuti, Mardi Gras: What brought it on and how it changed us, Lygon Street Legal Services (2018), Foreword, v-ix, ISBN 978-0-648225300.

Jessica Milner Davis and Sharyn Roach Anleu (eds), Judges, Judging and Humour, Palgrave Macmillan (2018), Foreword, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp v-xi, ISBN 978 3 319 76737 6.

Livingston & Miyako Armytage, Unseen Faces, Unheard Voices: Portraits of Injustice, IBC Publishing (2018), Foreword, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG p. 6, ISBN 978 4 794 460544 3.

The Hon. Kevin Lindgren AM QC FAAL, The Hon. Francois Kunc and Emeritus Professor Michael Coper AO FAAL (eds), The Future of Australian Legal Education, LawBook Co., 2018, Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Ltd, Closing Thoughts, Chapter 31, 509-519, by M.D. Kirby, ISBN 978 0 455 241357. 

James Stellios (Editor), Encounters with Constitutional Interpretation and Legal Education: Essays in Honour of Michael Coper, "New Ways Forward, The Hon. Michael Kirby" (Federation Press, 2018) 78-88, ISBN 978 176002 162 7 (HBK).  

Legal Topics for Older People, Diary 2018  "Message from the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG" Produced by LegalAid New South Wales

Ravidner Rehsi, LLB and Alan Rawlinson LLB (eds), The Digest,  Foreword "Centenary Reflections on the Global Digest of Law", The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG 6(1), LexisNexis, 2019 4th reissue, 15-17, ISBN 9 781 4 743 12332. 

Peter Britton, Working for the World: The Evolution of Australian Volunteers International​ (Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, 2019) Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, vii-xii.  ISBN978 1 925801 620. 

Thomas Lyngby (ed), Ralph Heimans,Portraits, "Subject and Master: The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG", The Museum of National History of Frederiksborg 25 May - 2 September 2018, The Museum of National History 2018,  113-117, ISBN 9 7887 93049 222.  

A.M. Herzberg, Editor, Statistics, Science and Public Policy: XXI Environment, Education and the Global Economy, Chapter 23, "The Queen, 2016", 129-135; Chapter 31, "Summing Up, 2016", 171-186.

Sean Brady and Mark Seymour (Editors), From Sodomy Laws to Same-Sex Marriage: International Perspectives since 1789, Foreword, (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019), xxii-xv. ISBN 978 1 350 02392 5.

Susan Bartie, Free Hands and Minds Pioneering Australian Legal Scholars, Foreword, (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2019) vii-x.  ISBN 978 1 50992 261 1.

Matty Silver, Sex Down Under, Foreword, (New Holland Publishers, 2019) 5-7.  ISBN 978 1 7607 9128 5.

Prof. (Dr) Mool Chand Sharma (Ed.), Law, Justice & Judicial Power: Justice P N Bhagwati's Approach, "In Praise of Lifting the Floodgates - An Australian Tribute to P.N. Bhagwati", The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, (Oakbridge Publishing Pvt. Ltd., 2019).  69-91, ISBN 978 81 939171 3 8.

Tea Uglow, Loud & Proud: LGBTQ+ Speeches that Empower and Inspire, "Justice Michael Kirby b. 1939 Australian Judge and Academic", (White Lion Publishing, London, 2020) 82-83, ISBN 978 17 81 31922 2

The Round Table, The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, "The Charter of the Commonwealth 2011-13: origins, text and potential", Michael Kirby (2020), (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020)  ISSN: 

Statistics, Science and Public Policy: XXIII Humanity, Mumility and Humour, Proceedings of the Conference held at Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, UK, April 24-27, 2019,  A.M. Herzberg (Editor),  Chapter 27, "Summing Up", M. Kirby, pp 163-184, ISBN 9781553395584 (hardcover), ISBN 9781553395577 (softcover).

50 Outstanding LGBTI+ Leaders 2020, Deloitte Touche Tomatsu, LGBTI+ Report 2020, p33.

Mai Sato & Christopher Alexander, State-Sanctioned Killing of Sexual Minorities: Looking Beyond the Death Penalty, February 2021, Foreword,  by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, pp. 12-14, CRICOS Provider, Monash University 00008C.

Neil Francis - RSA Fellow, Rationalist Society of Australia: Religiosity in Australia, Part 1: Personal faith according to the number, (May 2021), Foreword, vii-ix.

Aileen Crowe, Acts of Cruelty: Australia's Immigration Laws and expereinces of people seeking protection after arriving by plane, (Palaver, 2022) Foreword, the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, 7-11, ISBN 978 0 6455881 0 1.

Nihal Wikramanayake, Life in the Law: A Memoir, (Hybrid Publishers, 2022), Foreword, xv-xviii, ISBN 978 1 925736762

Drew Pettifer, A Sorrowful Act: The Wreck of the Zeewijk, (Published by the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, University of Western Australia), 27-35, ISBN 978-1-925793-27-7.

Lucy Geddes and Hamish McLachlan, 50 Human Rights Cases that Changed Australia, Foreword, (Federation Press, 2023), v-vii, ISBN 978 1 76002 427 7.

Stephen Cordner and Kerry Breen, Wrongful Convictions in Australia: Addressing Issues in the Criminal Justice System, (Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, 2023), Foreword, ix-xv, ISBN 978 1 923068 13 1 (hardback).

Russell G. Smith, Public Sector Criminological Research: The Australian Institute of Criminology, 1972-2022, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023), Foreword, vii-xii, ISBN 978-3-031-28355-0

Deborah Cao, Katrina Sharman and Steven White. Animal Law in Australia, Third Edition, (Thomson Reuters, Lawbook Co., 2023), Foreword, vii-x, ISBN 978 0 455 24655 0. 

Alice Frank Stock, A Life in Three Countries (self published 2023), 121.

N. Vijayaraghavan, V. Lakshminarayanan, Constitutional Czars in the Hall of Fame Musings, Anecodtes & Episodes, (Oakbridge, 2023), 9-13, ISBN 978 93 95764 18 6.

V Sudhish Pai, Soli Sorabjee: A Great Maestro, "Soli Sorabjee AM: Admiration, Warmth & Love - An Australian Tribute, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, (Law & Justice Publishing Co., 2023) pp 365-369, ISBN 978 93 93850 36 2.

Andrew Knight, Clive Phillips, and Paula Sparks, Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, Endorsement, the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, ISBN 978 1 032 02206 2.

Dr John Kennedy McLaughlin AM, The Immigration of Irish Lawyers to Australia in the 19th Century: Causes and Consequences, (Federation Press, 2024), "About the Author", The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG,  pp viii-xi, ISBN 978 1 76002 453 6 (hbk). 

Ben White, Fiona McDonald, Lindy Willmott, Shih-Ning Then, Health Law in Australia, Fourth Edition, (Lawbook Co., Thomson Reuters, 2024), Foreword, The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG, vii-ix, ISBN 978 0 4552 4731 1.

Anna Chang and Alice Grundy (eds), What's the Big Idea? "Introduction: The Australia Institute - 30 Years On" the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, (Australia Institute Press, 2024), 5-15, ISBN 978-1-7636621-0-0 (hardback).

Asha Varghese, Samuel Vecchi and Nickolas Sofios (eds), Pandora's Box 2024: 30th Anniversary Edition: Then and Now, (The Justice and the Law Society, The University of Queensland, 2024, Vol 30), Chapter "Universal Human Rights: Old and New", the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, 103-119, ISSN: 1835-8624.

Yane Svetiev, Competition Law: Cases and Materials, 5th Edition, (LexisNexis Australia, 2024), "Foreword, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG", v-vii, ISBN 9780409358438 (pbk).

Shane St Reynolds, Revitalizing Christianity: The Theology of Peter Lewis, "Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG", (Amazon KDP), v-x, ISBN 9798334716773.