The ABN Report

“Strengths and weaknesses of the UN – a challenge for the future” (1996) Vol.4, No.3, pp6-10.

ABR - Australian Book Review

"Blackstone in their saddlebags", March 2009, No. 309, 14-15.

Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia

AIDS and Religion:  ‘This Wave of Hate Must Stop’” (2010) 29(2) Academy of Social Sciences 55.

The Adelaide Review

A Vital Centenary - Article in The Adelaide Review, Issue 365, July 2010,6-7.

Celebration of Volume 40: Sixty Years On! The Adelaide Law Review (2019) 40(1), 15-28.

The Adelaide Law Review

"T.G.H. Strehlow and Aboriginal Customary Laws" (1980-1981) 7 Adel LR, 172

“The Politics of Achieving Law Reform” (1988) 11 Adel LR 315.

“Black and White Lessons for the Australian Judiciary” (2002) 23 Adel LR 195.

“A Century of Jumbunna – Interpretive Principles and International Law” (2010) 31 Adel LR 1.

"The Growing Impact of International Law on the Common Law" (2012) 33 Adel LR 1

"Marriage Equality: What Sexual Minorities Can Learn from Gender Equality, Abstract" (2013) 34, Adel LR 1.

"John Jefferson Bray - A Vigilant Life" (2015) 37,Adel LR 537- 546.

"Dr George Ian Duncan Remembered" (2016) , 37 Adel LR 1, 1-12.

"Fact-Finding and Report Writing by UN Human Rights Mandate Holders" (2017) 38 Adelaide Law Review  463-482.

"Celebration of Volume 40: Sixty Years On!" 40 Adel LR 1, 15-28.


"Moment of Truth: Is getting progress on human rights in North Korea a pipe dream, asks Michael Kirby" Winter 2014, 14-19. 

African Human Rights Law Journal

“The never-ending paradoxes of HIV and human rights” (2004) Vol.4 No.2. p163.


"Sada aastat oigusteoreetik Ilmar Tammelo sunnist", Michael D. Kirby (2017) 29 Aastakaik Akadeemia (No.3) 387-409.

Alberta Law Review

M.D. Kirby, “Forty Years of the Alberta Law Reform Institute – Past, Present, Future” (2009) 46 Alberta Law Review 1.

Alternative Law Journal

“Billable hours in a noble calling”, December 1996, Vol.21, No.6, p257.

"Who Cares About Human Rights Anyway?" Vol 25(5) 2000.

American University International Law Review

“International Law – The Impact on National Constitutions”, Vol 21, No.3, p327. (2006)

Amicus Curiae, Journal of the Society of Advanced Legal Studies

“Global economic crime – acting resolutely, thinking laterally”, January/February 2001, Issue 33, p4.

The Anglo-American Lawyer Magazine

"Interview - The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG on Australian Constitutionalism", Vol 1 No. 7 (Spl.Ed) July 2022, 3-14.

Annals of the Australian Medico-Legal College

"No One Left Behind: The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law, Kirby Oration 2023, 20 November 2023", Vol.5, September 2024, 5-14. 

The Arbitrator & Mediator

“President’s Message” (2009) 28 Journal of the Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia vi.

“ADR and Different Legal Cultures” (2010) 29(1) Journal of the Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia 1.

"Mediation: The LGBTIQ+ Dimension" (March 2020) online edition.

Archiv fur Rechts - Und Sozialphilosophie. AR

"Dialectics and Law", 1963, Issue No. 39, Part 2, pp 91-116.

Archives and Manuscripts

“Australian Archives – A Subject’s Perspective” (2010) 38(2) Archives and Manuscripts 79.

The Art of Judging

"Consensus and Dissent and the Proposal for an Australian Statute of Rights", Southern Cross University Law Review (2008) Vol. 12, 129-148.

Asian Jurist

"The Rainbow in Asia" April 2018, Issue 02, 52-56. 

Asia-Pacific Journal on Human Rights and the Law

“Legal Aid in South-East Asia and China:  Seven Lessons of Bangkok”, (2000) 1 APJHRL 89.

Auckland University Law Review

"Special Feature: An Interview with the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG by the Rt Hon Sir Edmund Thomas on "Judicial Activism"", Vol. 18, 2012, pp.1-21.

"Marriage Equality Law and the Tale of Three Cities: How the Unimaginable Became Inevitable and Even Desirable" Vol.22, 2016, 11-41. 

Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal

"COVID-19, Remote Court Hearings, Automated Decision-making and Access to Justice" 2020, 30 ADRJ 256-269.

The Australian Academy of the Humanities

"Zelman Cowen 1919-2011" 2012 Annual Report, 27.

Australian Bar Review

“H.V. Evatt, The Anti-Communist Referendum and Liberty in Australia” (1991) 7 Aust Bar Rev 93.

“Marine Insurance:  Is the Doctrine of ‘Utmost Good Faith’ Out of Date?” (1995) 13 Aust Bar Rev 1.

“Legal Professional Ethics in Times of Change” (1996) 14 Aust Bar Rev 170.

“Delivering justice in a democracy III – the jury of the future” (1998) 18 Aust Bar Rev 113.

“Judging:  Reflections on the Moment of Decision” (1999) 18 Aust Bar Rev 4.

“Same Sex Relationships – Some Australian Legal Developments” (1999) 19 Aust Bar Rev 4.

“Upholding the franchise – Contrasting decisions in the Philippines, United States and Australia” (2001) 21 Aust Bar Rev 1.

“Australian law – After 11 September 2001” (2001) 21 Aust Bar Rev 253.

“Why has the High Court become more involved in criminal appeals?” (2002) 23 Aust Bar Rev 4.

“Judicial activism?  A riposte to the counter-reformation” (2004) 23 Aust Bar Rev 219.

Book review Litigation – Past and Present by Wilfrid Prest and Sharyn Roach Anleu (Editors) (2004) 25 Aust Bar Rev 89.

“Independence of the legal profession:  Global and regional challenges” (2005) 26 Aust Bar Rev 133.

“Ten years in the High Court – continuity & change” (2005) 27 Aust Bar Rev 4.

“The future of appellate advocacy” (2006) 27 Aust Bar Rev 141.

“Precedent law, practice and trends in Australia” (2007) 28 Aust Bar Rev 243.

“Appellate reasons” (2007) 28 Aust Bar Rev 3.

“An Australian charter of rights – answering some of the critics” (2008) 31 Aust Bar Rev 149.

“50 years in the law:  A critical self-assessment” (2009) 32 Aust Bar Rev 1.

“Ten commandments for plain language in law” (2010) 33 Aust Bar Rev 10.

Book review, Sir Alfred Stephen:  Third Chief Justice of New South Wales 1844-1873 (Lives of the Australian Chief Justices series) by J.M. Bennett (The Federation Press, 2009) ISBN 978 186287 754 2 (Hbk). (2010) 33 Aust Bar Rev 181.

“The Rule of Law Beyond the Law of Rules” (2010) 33 Aust. Bar Rev 195.

Foreword – From Moree to Mabo – The Mary Gaudron Story by Pamela Burton (2010) 33 Aust Bar Rev 299.

"Online Legal Education in Australia: The new CQU law degree" (2011) 34 Aust Bar Rev 237.

"R.P. Meagher and I:  The Best of Times.  The Worst of Times" (2011) 35 Aust Bar Rev 26.

Book Reviews, Red Silk: The Life of Elliott Johnston QC by Penelope Debelle, Wakefiled Press. (2011) 35(2) Aust Bar Rev 189.

"Maintaining Judicial Integrity in an Age of Corruption" (2012) 35 Aust Bar Rev. 201.

"Obituary, The Rt Hon. Sir Zelman Cowen, AK, GCMG, GCVO, QC" (2012) 36(1) Aust Bar Rev 79.

"The Graduating Class of Sydney Law School 1962: Talented, Lucky, Unquestioning" (2012) 36(2), Aust Bar Rev. 189.

"Judicial Independence: The United States election systems and judicial removals in Iowa" (2013), 36 Aust Bar Rev 270.

"J L Goldring, legal education and a most unusual occupation" (2014) 38 Aust Bar Rev pp. 226-242. 

"Grounds for judical recusal: Differentiating judical impartiality and judicial independence" (2015) 40 Aust Bar Rev pp. 1-18.

"My first judges - Ten lessons" (2018) 45 Au​st Bar Rev pp. 215-223.

Occasional Address "Return to the CCL: Advocacy and unthinkable challenges" Aust Bar Rev pp. 100-101.

Jeff Shaw Memorial Lecture 2022.  Jeff Shaw: Advocate, parliamentarian, Attorney-General, judge & proud alumnus of public education, 2023 53 Aust Bar Rev pp 85-95. 

"The Judicial Breretons: Like father, like son", (2024) 54 Aust Bar Rev pp 135-141.

Australian Book Review

“Religion:  Is It Tolerance or Indifference” (2001) 232 ABR at 34.

Australian Emergency Nursing Journal

Book Review - Essentials of Law for Health Professionals, K. Forrester, D. Griffiths, 3rd Ed, Elsevier, Sydney (2010) - Australian Emergency Nursing Journal (2010), 13, 97-99.

Australian Family Lawyer

“Remembering Peter Nygh – Family Law, Conflicts and Same-sex Marriage” (2006-7) Vol.19 at 3.

“Children Caught in Conflict – the Child Abduction Convention and Australia” (2010) Vol.21 at 2.

The Australian Feminist Law Journal

“Women Lawyers – Making a Difference” (1998) Vol.10 at 125.

“Women in the Law – What Next?” (2002) 16 at 146.

Australian Health Law Bulletin

“Biomedicine today:  key legal and ethical issues – Part 1” (2008) 16(5) HLB 66.

“Biomedicine today:  key legal and ethical issues – Part 2” (2008) 16(6) HLB 82.

Australian Intellectual Property Journal

“Intellectual Property and the Human Genome” (2001) 12 AIPJ 61.

Australian Law Journal

M.D. Kirby, “Law Reform, Why?” (1976) 50 ALJ 459.

M.D. Kirby, “Controls Over Investigation of Offences and Pre-Trial Treatment of Suspects:  Criminal Investigation and the Rule of Law” (1979) 53 ALJ 626.

M.D. Kirby, “Sentencing Reform:  Help in the “Most Painful” and “Unrewarding” of Judicial Tasks”, (1980) 54 ALJ 732.

M.D. Kirby, “The Computer, the Individual and the Law” (1981) 55 ALJ 443.

M.D. Kirby, “Closer Economic and Legal Relations Between Australia and New Zealand” (1984) 58 ALJ 383.

M.D. Kirby, “Human Rights – the Challenge of the New Technology” (1986) 60 ALJ 170.

M.D. Kirby, “AIDS Legislation – Turning up the Heat?” (1986) 60 ALJ 324

M.D. Kirby, “Permanent Appellate Courts – The New South Wales Court of Appeal 20 Years On” (1987) 61 ALJ 391.

M.D. Kirby, “The Role of the Judge in Advancing Human Rights by Reference to International Human Rights Norms” (1988) 62 LAJ 514.

M.D. Kirby, “Sir Edward Aloysius McTiernan, 1892-1900 – Parliamentarian and Judge” (1990) 64 ALJ 320.

M.D. Kirby, “On the Writing of Judgments” (1990) 64 ALJ 691.

M.D. Kirby, “Alfred Theodore Conybeare 1902-1979, Compensation Judge” (1992) 66 ALJ 276.

M.D. Kirby, “Legal Problems:  Human Genome Project” (1993) 67 ALJ 694.

M.D. Kirby, “Decision of the Permanent Tribunal of Peoples in its Session on Tibet, Strasbourg, France, November 1992” (1994) 68 ALJ 135.

M.D. Kirby, “Ten Rules of Appellate Advocacy” (1995) 69 ALJ 964.

M.D. Kirby, “Judicial Stress – An Update” (1996) 71 ALJ 774.

M.D. Kirby, “Judicial Stress – A Reply” (1996) 71 ALJ 791.

M.D. Kirby, “Our Region – The Challenge for Law and Justice” (1997) 72 ALJ 197.

M.D. Kirby, “Attacks on Judges – A Universal Phenomenon” (1997) 72 LAJ 599.

M.D. Kirby, “Trial of King Charles I:  Defining Moment for our Constitutional Liberties” (1999) 73 ALJ 577.

M.D. Kirby, “Literature in Australian Legal Reasoning” (2001) 75 ALJ 602.

M.D. Kirby, “The Mysterious Word “Sentences” in s73 of the Constitution” (2002) 76 ALJ 97.

M.D. Kirby, “The High Court and the Death Penalty:  Looking Back, Looking Forward, Looking Around” (2003) 77 ALJ 811.

M.D. Kirby, “Industrial Arbitration and Conciliation in Australia:  A Centenary Reflection” (2004) 78 ALJ 785.

M.D. Kirby, “Law Reform, Human Rights and Modern Governance:  Australia’s Debt to Lord Scarman” (2006) 80 ALJ 299.

M.D. Kirby, “The Australian Law Journal at 80:  Past, Present and Future” (2007) 81 ALJ 529.

M.D. Kirby, “Is legal history now ancient history?” (2009) 83 ALJ 31 (The Geoffrey Bolton Lecture, 2008).

See also G. Lindsay SC “People in the Law:  Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG” (2009) 83 ALJ 224.

M.D. Kirby, "Eminent Persons Group Reports to CHOGM, Perth, October 2011 (2012) 86 ALJ 79.

M.D. Kirby, "Judicial stress and judicial bullying" (August 2013), 87 ALJ 516. 

M.D. Kirby, "The United Nations report on North Korea and the Security Council: Interface of security and human rights" (2015) 89/10 ALJ 714.

M.D. Kirby, "Retirement of the Hon. Peter W. Young AO QC: Seventh Editor of the Australian Law Journal" (2016) 90/5 ALJ 316.

M.D. Kirby, "Obituary: Russell Scott AM" (2016) 90/7 ALJ 531.

M.D. Kirby, "Obituary: The Hon James Frederick Staples" (2016) 90/9 ALJ 679-680.

M.D. Kirby, "The Decline and Fall of Australia's Law Reform Institutions - And the Prospects of Revival" (2017) 91 ALJ 841-852.

M.D. Kirby, "Obituary: Sir Ninian Stephen" (2018) 92/1 2018 ALJ 1-64.

M.D. Kirby, "Letter to the Editor", (2019) 93/12 ALJ 979-980.

Australian Insolvency Journal

“Bankruptcy and Insolvency:  Change, policy and the vital role of integrity and probity” (2010) 22(2) Australian Insolvency Journal 4.

Australian Institute of Administrative Law Inc.

“Professor Mark Aronson – Doyen of Australian Administrative Law” (2006) AIAL Forum No.50 at 4.

Australian Intellectual Property Journal

“Intellectual Property and the Human Genome” (2001) Vol.12 at 57.

“New frontier:  Regulating technology by law and “Code” (2007) Vol.18 at 230.

Australian International Law Journal

“A Neglected Transnational Relationship:  A Plan of Action for Australia” (1997) at 17.

Australian Journal of Corporate Law

“Rethinking Company Law and Practice” 5 (1995) 176.

Australian Journal of Family Law

“Family Law and Human Rights” (2003) 17 at 6.

“Family Law” The special contribution of Alastair Nicholson” (2004) 18 at 125.

“Opening of Family Law Chambers”, Sydney (2005) 19 at 3.

Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences

"New Trends in Crime and Punishment in Australia", (1981) 13 AJFS 96-116.

"Forensic Science - What Have We Learnt? (1987) 20 AJFS 183-195.

"AIDS - Insights from the Stockholm Conference" (1988) 20 AJFS 282-294.

"World AIDS Day - Reflections by Lake Geneva" (1988) 21 AJFS 75-88.

"Hail and Farewell - Two Years of Achievement" (1989) 22 AJFS 23-26.

"Law, Technology and the Future" (1989) 21 AJFS 112-123.

"Chaos and the Rational Mind" (1990) 22 AJFS 62-67.

"On the Writing of Judgments" (1990) 22 AJFS 104-124.

"AIDS and Human Rights" (1991) 23 AJFS 29-42.

"The International Impact of Human Rights Law" (1992) 24 AJFS 65-73.

"Principles of Healthcare Ethics: Consent and the Doctor/Patient Relationship" (1993) 25 AJFS 21-29.

Book Review – Islands of Incarceration, Convict and Quarantine Islands of the Australian Coast (1995) 27 AJFS 77-78.

Book Review – Pink Triangle:  The Struggle for Law Reform in Tasmania (1995) 27 AJFS 79-81.

"Memories of Oscar Schmalzbach" (1996) 28 AJFS 53-55.

"New South Wales Council for Civil Liberties" (1996) 28 AJFS 3-6.

"Seven Lessons from Tasmania" (1997) 29 AJFS 29-34.

“Women Lawyers – Making A Difference” (1997) AJFS 29/2:, 2001.49-58.

“DNA Evidence:  Proceed With Care” (2001) 33 AJFS 9-13.

"Medical Negligence - Going Dutch" (2001) 33 AJFS 59-60.

Obituary – The Right Hon. Sir Harry Gibbs AC KBE (2005) 37 AJFS 45-48.

"A life well lived - Sir Peter Lawler OBE KGCP" (2017) AJFS 359.

"Forensic sciences at 50: past, present and future?" (2018) 50 (6), AJFS 596-606.

Australian Journal of Human Rights

“Domestic implementation of international human rights norms” (1999) Vol.5(2) at 109.

Australian Journal of Labour Law

“Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia – A Centenary Reflection” (2004) 17 at 229.

Australian Journal of Legal History

Book Review – The Captive Republic:  A History of Republicanism in Australia,1788-1996 (1997) 3 Aust J Leg Hist 131.

"Law at Century's End - A Millennial View from the High Court of Australia" (2001) 1(1) Aust J Leg Hist 5.

“Living with Legal History in the Courts” (2003) 7 Aust J Leg Hist 17.

“Alex Castles, Australian Legal History and the Courts” (2005) 9 Aust J Leg Hist 1.

Australian Law Librarian

“A Law Libraries Love Affair” (2004) Vol. 12(4) at 7.

Australian Journal of Politics and History

“The Australian Referendum on a Republic – Ten Lessons” (2004) 49 at510-535.

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Sociology

Book Review – An unwinnable War against Drugs:  The Politics of Decriminalisation, Terry Carney et. al., (1992) ANZJS 28 110.

Australian Politics 5

“Law Reform and Bureaucracy” (1980) at 261.

The Australian Rationalist

“Building A Diverse, Creative and Aware Nation” Autumn/Winter No.85 at 36.

Australian Red Cross

Rethinking Justice: Vulnerability Report 2016, Foreword The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, p.4. 

Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc. Newsletter

“The Human Genome Project and Society” (1996) 27 at16.

Australian Year Book of International Law

“International Law at the Grass Roots:  Some Recent Developments” Volume 24 at 107.

Bar News

“The Internationalisation of Domestic Law and its Consequences” (2010) 107.

"Australian Racism: The Story of Australia's First and Only Black Premier and Chief Justice - Sir Francis Villeneuve Smith" (2019) (Summer) 53-57.

"The Good Old Days... An extract of a speech given on the unveiling of a portrait on Wednesday 26 August 2020 at 12 Wentworth Selbourne Chambers" (2020) (Summer) 96-97.


Book Review – Judging Medicine by George J. Annas (1989) Vol.3 at 347.

Bond Law Review

“Law, Human Life and Ethical Dilemmas” (2000) 12 Bond LR 129.

“Justices Murphy and Kirby:  Reviving Social Democracy and the Constitution” by Scott Guy and Kristy Richardson,(2010) 22 Bond LR 26.

"John F. Kearney, Legal Education and Life Opportunities" (2013) 25 Bond LR 2. pp. 7-16.  

The Boston, Melbourne, Oxford, Vancouver Conversazioni on Culture and Society

"Protecting Against Privacy Invasion by the Australian Media: the Moment of Truth Arrives" Thirtieth Anniversary Conversazione, 21 November 2012 pp. 6-26.

British Journal of American Legal Studies

"Judicial Recusal: Differentiating Judicial Impartiality and Judical Independence? Spring 2015 Volume 4 Special Issue pp 1-18.

Building the Future: The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre

"2007: The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG: Consensus and dissent in Australia" The Bob Hawke rime Ministerial Centre, University of South Australia, 2013, pp. 100-101. 

The Brief

"Q&A With Michael Kirby by Chris James & Christoph Liedermann" (2010) 16 The Brief 26.

"The Final Frontier: The Quest for Formal Recognition and Rights Equality" by Valiant Warzecha, Macquarie University Law School, Sydney.  Issue 1, 2013 (Mar 2013) pp. 9-11. 

Emily McGeorge, "An Interview with the Hon. Michael Kirby, November 2016, published in the Melbourne University Law Journal, The Brief.

Canterbury Law Review

"Trans-Tasman Federation - Achievable, Impossible, Unnecessary" (2010) 16 CantaLR 1.

CIArb Australia News

"International Arbitration, Young Players and Crticial Intelligence", (December 2016), pp 36-39.

Cincinnati Law Review

“Access to Information and Privacy:  The Ten Information Commandments” Vol.55 at 745 (1987).

The Clarity Journal

“Plain concord:  Clarity’s Ten Commandments” November 2009, No.62 58.

"10 rules to writing clear legal language" Number 77, 2018, p.33

"Meet our Patron, The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG" Number 88, 2024, 19-24.

Commissions of Inquiry and Fact-Finding missions on International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Guidance and Practice

"44. Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2013)", 138.

Common Theology

"God and the Judge", Common Theology, Autumn 2004 5-10. 

Commonwealth Law Bulletin

M.D. Kirby, “Compensation for Victims of Criminal Injuries”, (1981) 9 CLB 1533.

M.D. Kirby, “Breastmilk substitutes:  Bioethics and law reform”, (1983) 11 CLB 671.

“The Unfinished Trans-Tasman Business” (2002) 28 CLB 1083.

“H.M. Seervai – Indian Advocate and Great Lawyer of the Commonwealth of Nations” (2007) 33 CLB 639.

“Lessons from the Wolfenden Report” (2008) 34 CLB 551.

“The hundredth volume of the Law Reports of the Commonwealth” (2009) 35 CLB 369.

“The Commonwealth of Nations today:  historical anachronism or focus for universal values?” (2011) 37 CLB 39.

“Protecting Human Rights in Australia Without A Charter”, (2011) 37(2) CLB 255.

"The Commonwealth of Nations today: Historical Anachronism or Focus for Universal Values?" (2011) 37(1), CLB 39-59.

"Human Rights, Race & Sexuality in the Pacific - Regarding Others as Ourselves" (2015) 41/1 CLB 45-58.

"Malawi and the Transition and Adherence to Multi-Party Democracy" (2016) 42(3), CLB 443-452.

"Centenary reflections on the global digest of law" (2019) 45(3), CLB 386-389.

Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative Newsletter

“Homosexuality – A Commonwealth Blindspot on Human Rights” (2007) CHRI News, Volume 14(4) 6.

"Breaking the Commonwealth Logjam Over Sexuality Issues" (2011) CHRI Newsletter, Volume 18(3) 8.

"An Inside Perpective on the Report of the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group to CHOGM 2011" CHRI Newsletter, Volume 18(4) 7.

The Commonwealth Lawyer

“Transnational Judicial Dialogue:  To Judge is to Learn” (2007) Vol.16(1) at 35.

“Discrimination on the Ground of Sexual Orientation:  A New Initiative for the Commonwealth of Nations?” (2007) Vol.? At 36.

Community Restorative Centre Annual Report

"Message from the Patron: The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG" 2012-2013, pp. 4-5. 

Computers and the Law

“Kirby – a great patron” by Dr. Pamela N. Gray, Computers and the Law, No. 79, January 2011, 15.

Computer Law Journal

“Toronto Statement on the International Legal Vulnerability of Financial Information” (1991) Vol.XI(1) at 75.

“Legal Aspects of Transborder Data Flows” (1991) Vol.XI(2) at 223.

Constitutional Court Journal

"Constitutional Court of Thailand Course on the Rule of Law for Democracy Address, Bangkok, 12 September 2013: The Rule of Law and Constitutionalism: Australian Experience" Vol. 15, Issue 44, ISSN 1513-1246, 28-45.

Court of Conscience

 "Human Rights, Peace and North Korea", Issue 11, 2017, pp 52-57. 


Annual Report 2015-2016, "From our Patron with admiration, respect and encouragement" 02-03.

"A Rare Commodity", Issue 115, Spring 2019, 22-24.

"Farewell to our patron" Issue 120, summer 2020, pp20-22.

Criminal Law Journal

“Hypnosis and the Law”, (1984) 8 Crim LJ 152.

“The Future of Criminal Law” (1999) 23 Crim LJ 263.

“Carroll, double jeopardy and international human rights law” (2003) 27 Crim LJ 231.

“The urgent need for forensic excellence”(2007) 32 Crim LJ 205.

“Obituary – Paul Byrne SC” (2009) 33 Crim LJ 227.

“Obituary – The Hon. John Harber Phillips” (2009) 33 Crim LJ 288.

"Homosexual Law Reform in the Commonwealth of Nations: An Impossible Dream" (2012) Crim LJ  77.

Editorial, "Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AM" (2015) Crim LJ 75. 

Obituary "Fiori Rinaldi AM" (2015) 39 Crim LJ 167-169.

Editorial "Greyhounds, Sharks and Prisoners, a Contrast in the Emergence of Informed Public Policy" (2016) 40 Crim LJ 303-306. 

Editorial "The High Court, The Common Law and Conceptions of Justice" (2016) 40 Crim LJ 243

Editorial "Effectiveness and Proportionality in Australia's Custodial Punishment" (2017) 41 Crim LJ 181-182. 

Daedalus – Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Living with AIDS (Part II).

Michael Kirby, “AIDS and Law”, Summer 1989, Vol118/3, 101.

Deakin Law Review

“Deakin:  Popular sovereignty and the true foundation of the Australian Constitution” (1996) 3 Deakin LR 129.

“Industrial Relations Law – Call off the Funeral” (2001) 6(2) Deakin LR 256.

“Are We All Nominalists Now?” (2004) 9(2) Deakin LR 523.

Denning Law Review

“Lord Denning and Judicial Activism” (1998) at 127.

“Legal Protection of Same-sex Relationships in Australia” (2000) at 173.

“The High Court of Australia and the Supreme Court of the United States – A Centenary Reflection” (2003) at p.45.

“Appellate Advocacy – New Challenges” (2006) at 51.

Denning Law Journal

"Of Advocates, Drunks and Other Players:  Plain Tales from Australia" [2011] Denning LJ 47.

"Human Rights and Media: The Experience of the Commission of Inquiry on North Korea" [2014] Denning LJ, 1. 

"Magna Carta 1215 to North Korea 2015: Advancing the Ideal of Legal Restraints to Governmental Power" Denning LJ: Magna Carta Edition 2015, pp.45-76

Dictum - Victoria Law School Journal

"Attaining Universal Justice: Realities Beyond Dreams" [2011] Vol 1(1) p.7. 

The Digest

"Centenary Reflections on the Global Digest of Law" LexisNexis 2019 4th reissue, 6(1), 15-17.

"Centenary Reflections on the Global Digest of Law" LexisNexis, 2019, 100th Anniversary Booklet (1919-2019) 20-23. 


“HIV/AIDS and the law:  30 years on”, DoctorQ (AMA Queensland Member Magazine), September 2011, Vol.74 26.

Environmental and Planning Law Journal

"Environmental and Planning Law in the Age of Human Rights and Climate Change", Thomson Reuters (2019) Volume 36 (2019) EPLJ 181-196.

ET CETERA - Deakin University Law Society Journal

"Subversive Thoughts for Law Students", (February, 2013) Issue 1, Et cetera, 14. 

Ethos - Journal of the ACT Law Society

"The Development of the 'New' Administrative Law: The Annual Richardson Memorial Oration", Issue 226, 24.

European Human Rights Law Review

"Sexuality and International Law: The New Dimension", 2014 EHRLR, Issue 4, 2014 Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited, pp. 350-368.

"Opinion: The Commonwealt of Nations and its Values - Bound to Disappoint?" 2015 EHRLR Issue 3, 2015 Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited pp223-242.

"A Close and Curious Vote Upholds the new UN Mandate on SExual Orientation and Gender Indentity", [2017] E.H.R.L.R., Issue 1 2017, Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited and Contributors, pp 37-42.

Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity

"Kinsey, Empiricism and Homo/Transphobia" (2016) 4(2) Griffith Journal of Law & Human Dignity 121-142.

Health and Human Rights Journal

"Lessons from Jonathan Mann: The Ten Commandments on Multidrug-Resistant TB" (2016) 18 Helath & Human Rights Journal 1.

IBA Global Insight

"Global Leaders: Michael Kirby", April/May 2014 pp.17-21.

ILA Reporter

Michael Kirby, "Privacy as a Universal Human Right: Beyond the OECD Guidelines to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy", International Law Association (Australian Branch), June 2018, 1-11.

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

"The New Biology and International Sharing-Lessons From the Life and Work of George P. Smith, II" Volume 7, Issue 2, Spring 2000, 425-445.

Inner Temple Yearbook 

"The Sodomy Offence: England's Least Lovely Legal Export?" 2023-2024 Yearbook, 84-89.

International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law

"Intellectual Property LawHuman Rights and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic - The Urgent Need for  Luther of Jurisprudence" Editorial, (2011) Volume 42 No. 3/2011, pp 251-256.


The Hague Institute for Global Justice, "Crunch Time for action on North Korea", Summer 2014, p. 2.

In the Black

"A Man of Conscience", July 2015, pp 26-29.

James Cook University Law Review

"Remembrance of Times Past: Times Missed and Times Not Missed", (2018) 24 JCULR, pp 25-46.

Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy

Dedication “The Honourable Justice Michael Kirby – President, Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales, Australia.  Dedicatory Essay, Sir Zelman Cowen, (1993) Vol.9, xi.

“Human Rights and Bioethics:  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights” (2009) Vol. 25(2) at 309

Journal of Equity

“Overcoming equity’s Australian isolationism” (2009) 3 J Eq 1

European Human Rights Law Review

“Freedom of Information:  The Seven Deadly Sins” [1998] EHRLR 245

“Legal Discrimination Against Homosexuals – A Blind Spot on the Commonwealth of Nations” [2009] EHRLR 21.

 "Sexuality and International Law: The New Dimension" 2014 EHRLR, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 350-368.   

Federal Law Review

“Whitlam as Law Reformer”(1979) 10 FL Rev 53.

“Sir Edward McTiernan:  A Centenary Reflection” (1991) 20 FL Rev 165.

“Kitto and the High Court of Australia” (1999) 27 FL Rev 131.

"Three Law Deans - And What They Teach of Deanship" (2014) 42 Federal Law Review 589. 

"Australia's Commonwealth Ombudsman 40 Years On - Achievements and Ten Challenges" (2017) 40 Federal Law Review, 495.

Flinders Journal of Law Reform

“Australian Corporations Law and Global Forces” (1997) 2 FJLR 41.

“Law in Australia – Cause of Pride; Source of Dreams” (2005) 8 FJLR 151.

“Ten Requirements for Successful Law Reform” (2009) 11 FJLR 77.

"Elliott Johnston, Social Values and Justice" (2013) 15 FJLR 1. 


"Interview: Justice Michael Kirby AC CMG", June 1995, 25.


"Thanks to our Patron" Summer 2004 Volume 12 Issue 36, 2,


Interview with Michael Kirby by Benjamin Law - Frankie, Issue 36, July/August 2010, 116.

Friends of Libraries Australia

"From the Executive Director: Thanks to Our Patron" Volume 2, Issue 36 2. 

Georgetown Law Journal

M.D. Kirby, “Constitutional Law and International Law:  National Exceptionalism and the Democratic Deficit”, 98 Georgetown LJ 433 (2010).

The Green Bag

“Think Globally” 4 Green Bag 2D, Spring 2001, 287.

Griffith Review

“Fundamental Human Rights and Religious Apostasy:  The Malaysian Case of Lina Joy” (2008) 17 GriffithLR 151.

"Koowarta: a vital turning point for Aboriginal rights and Australia: Summing up the symposium" (2014) 23, 1 GriffithLR 127-144.

Harvard International Law Journal

"To Judge Is to Learn" (2007) 48 Harvard ILJ 1.

Hello Gorgeous

"Valuing Every Human Life" Summer 2018, Issue 23, Special Edition AIDS 2018, International AIDS Society (Amsterdam), 39. 

Human Rights Defender

Foreword, Michael Kirby AC CMG, Volume 23, Issue 2, July 2014, pp. 3-5. 


“Kirby:  The Interview” Issue 4, November 1996, 8.

HIV & The Criminal Law

Preface (2010) HIV & The Criminal Law v.

HIV Australia

“Sex Work:  Equal Justice Under Law” (2010) Vol.8 No.4 HIV Australia 34.

"Human rights, race and sexuality in the Pacific: regarding others as ourselves" HIV Australia, Volume 13, No. 1, 28-30.

HIV Matters

“MSM:  Action, not more word” (2009) 1 HIV Matters 6.

Health and Human Rights

“The Right to Health Fifty Years On:  Still Skeptical?” (1999) Vol.4 No.2 7.

"Corruption, Proportinality, and their Challenges" (June 2016) Vol. 18  Number 1 pp 1-10.

Hong Kong Law Journal

"The United Nations Human Rights Inquiry on North Korea: Background, Reaction and Prospects" (2015) Volume 45 Part 2, 425-448.

"Asia and Oceania LGBTI Law Reform: Breaking the Log-Jam" (2016) Volume 46 Part 1, 151-173.

Humanities Australia

Adaptation and Variation in Appointments to National Courts” (2010) Vol.1 71.

The IAMA News

“President’s Say” November 2009, 1.

IBA Global Insight

""Global Leaders: Michael Kirby", April/May 2014, pp 16-21.

"Human Rights in the Hermit Kingdom", February/March 2016 pp 47-51.

In The Black

"Considered Decisions" (February 2012), p13. 

The Indian Advocate

"United Nations up Close" (2005) Vol. XXXIII 81.

“Advocacy Futures – An Australian Perspective” (2006) Vol.XXXIV 69.

The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law

“H.M. Seervai – His Life, Book and Legacy” 3 Indian J. Const. L 1 (2009).

Indian Journal of International Law

M.D. Kirby, “H.M. Seervai – His Life, Book and Legacy” (2009) 3 Ind.J.Int.Law 1.

The Indian Journal of Law and Technology

“The Fundamental Problem of Regulating Technology” [2009] 5 The Indian Journal of Law and Technology 1.

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

“The New Biology and International Sharing – Lessons From the Life and Work of George P. Smith, II IJGLS [Vol.7 425 2000], Spring 2000.

“Terrorism:  The International Response of the Courts” IJGLS (Vol.12(1) 31 2005).  Winter 2005.

“Sexuality and Global Forces: Dr. Alfred Kinsey and the Supreme Court of the United States” IJGLS (Vol.14(2) 485 2007).  Summer 2007.

Insight - Magazine of State Library of Queensland

"Kirby Takes The Stand for Gay Rights" Q&A with Paul Barclay.  Insight, Issue No.8, Winter 2010, 6-7.

Insurance Law Journal

Article, "Insurance Contract Law Reform - 30 Years On", (2014) 26 ILJ, pp. 1-18.  

Intellectual Property Forum

"Intellectual Property and the Human Genome" Issue 91, 9.

"In Conversation with the Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG", March 2014, Issue 96, 8-17. 

"Editorial- UNAIDS Calls on Trade Negotiators to Uphold Governments' Commitments to Public Health and Access to Medicines with a Call to Consider IP Implications", September 2015, Issue 102, 208.

"Editorial - The UN Final Report on Access to Medicines", December 2016, Issue 107, 2-8.

Inter Alia

La Trobe University Law Student’s Association Student Journal, foreword.

International Data Privacy Law

“The History, Achievement and Future of the 1980 OECD Guidelines on Privacy” (2010) International Data Privacy Law 1.

International House Magazine

"Suspicious of Leadership", Feature article, Issue#01, June 2016.

International House World Understanding and Peace Papers

“Cambodia – Failures and Achievements” (1995) p.4.

International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family

“Children Caught in Conflict – The Child Abduction Convention and Australia” (2010) 24(1) 95.

International Journal of Punishment and Sentencing

“Criminal Law Futurology” (2005) Vol 1(2) 79.

International Journal of STD & AIDS

“The Judicial Response to HIV/AIDS” (1997; 8: 265-271).

International Refugee Conference 2016

The Role of the Judiciary in Asylum and Other International Protection Law in Asia: A Conference for Judges and Judicial Decision-Makers in Asia, "The Role of the Judiciary in Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers and Other Non-Refoulement Obligation", Vol.I, June 10-11, 2016, Goyang, Korea, 29-31.

The Role of the Judiciary in Asylum and Other International Protection Law in Asia: A Conference for Judges and Judicial Decision-Makers in Asia, "International Protection for North Korean Defectors and their Children" Vol.II, June 10-11, 2016, Goyang, Korea, 45-46

Irish Human Rights Law Review

“The Dreyfus Case a Century on – Ten Lessons for Ireland & Australia” [2010] 1 IHRLR 3.

James Cook University Law Review

“In Defence of Mabo”(1994) 1 JCULR 51.

“Law, Like the Olympics, Is Now International – But Will Australia Win Gold?” (2000) 7 JCULR 4.

“Judicial Dissent” (2005) 12 JCULR 4.

"Remembrance of Times Past: Times Missed and Times Not Missed" (2018) 24 JCULR 25-45.

Journal of Appellate Practice and Process

“Rules of Appellate Advocacy:  An Australian Perspective” Vol.1, No.2 (Summer 1999).

Journal of Australian Taxation

“The Late Justice Graham Hill” (2005) 8(2) Journal of Australian Taxation 206.

The Journal of Business Law

"Australian Insurance contracts Law: Local Reform with a Global Relevance" (2011) JBL, Issue 4 (Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK Limited, pp. 309-329. 

Journal of the Commonwealth Lawyers' Association

"COVID-19, Remote Court Hearings, Automated Decision-Making and Access to Justice" (2020) 11-19.

Journal of Contemporary Health Law and Policy

“A patient’s Rights to Access to Medical Records” J.Contemp.Health L. & Pol’y Vol.12(1) 1995.

“Human Rights and Bioethics:  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and UNESCO Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights” J.Contemp.Health L & Pol’y Vol.25, 309, 2009.

Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice

'Efficiency and cost in different legal cultures - relevance for civil litigation and ADR".  (2001) 1 JCivLP 20.

Journal of Homosexuality

“Sexuality and Australian Law” (2005) 48(3/4) 31.

Journal of the Indian Law Institute

“Modes of Appointment and Training of Judges:  A Common Law Perspective” 41(2) JILI 147 (1999).

“Human Genome Project – Legal Issues” 42(1) JILI 17 (2000).

"Indian and Australian Constitutional Law: A Recent Study in Contrasts, 60(1) JILI 1-31 (2018).

Journal of Indian Law and Society

"First M.K. Nambyar Endowment Lecture 2013 on The Necessities and Limitations of Judicial Activism: delivered by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG" 4 (Winter,) JILS (2012). 

Journal of Industrial Relations

"The Removal of Justice Staples and the Silent Forces of Industrial Relations" (1989) Journal of Industrial Relations 334.

“Human Rights and Industrial Relations” (2002) Journal of Industrial Relations 44(4) 562.

Journal of Law and Information Science

“Informatics and Law Reform” (1981) JLIS 1.

“Information Security – OECD Initiative” (1992) JLIS 25.

“International Symposium on the Public Voice and the Development of International Cryptography Policy” (1996) JLIS 7(2) 137.

“The Future of Courts – Do They Have One?” (1998) JLIS 141.

“Forensic Evidence:  Instruments of Truth or Potential for Miscarriage?” (2010) JLIS 21.

“The History, Achievement and Future of the 1980 OECD Guidelines on Privacy” (2010) 20 JLIS 1.

"Privacy Today: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue" (2017) JLIS 25(2).

Journal of Judicial Administration

“Change and Decay or Change and Renewal?” (1998) 7 JJA 189.

“Acting Judges – A Non-theoretical Danger” (1998) 8 JJA 69.

“The Future of Courts – Do They Have One?”(1999) 8 JJA 185.

Journal of Law and Medicine

“Health, Law and Ethics” (1997) 5 JLM 31.

“Tort System Reforms:  Causes, Options, Outcomes” (2001) 8 JLM 380.

"Thoughts in Dark Times of a World Made New" (2002) 30:4 JLM 492

Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues

“Labour Migration:  International Standards & National Progress” (2006) JMRI 2(1) 1.

Journal of World Trade

Book Review "Regionalism in International Investment Law", August 2014, Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherlands, Volume 48, Issue 4, pp. 889-893. 


“Attacks on Judges:  A Universal Phenomenon” Vol.81(6) May-June 1998 239.

Judicial Officers’ Bulletin

“Reasons on the Run” June 1991, Vol.3(5) 1.

“International Law Comes Down to Earth”, June 1997, Vol.9(5) 35.

“The High Court – Change and Decay or Change and Renewal?”, March 1998 Vol.10(2) 9

“DNA Evidence – Proceed With Care” October 2000, Vol.12(8) 57.

“Getting Justice Wrong – Myths, Media and Crime” Book Review, April 2001, Vol.13(3) 18.

“The Rise and Rise of the Magistracy”, February 2003, Vol.15(1) 1.

“Appellate Courts and Dissent”, May 2004, Vol.16(4) 25.

“What’s In A Name?  The transition from Master to Associate Judge”, December 2005, Vol.17(11) 91.

“Statutory Interpretation – Principles and Pragmatism for a New Age”, July 2007, Vol.19(6) 49.

“The High Court of Australia:  Perspectives from the Brink”, March 2009, Vol.21(2) 11.

"Judicial Integrity in South-East Asia: principles, strategy and implementation" December 2012, Vol. 24(11) 91.

Judicial Review

“Legal Professional Ethics in Times of Change” (1997) 3(2) TJR 73.

“Judging” Reflections on the Moment of Decision”(1999) 4(3) TJR 189.

“Expert Evidence:  Causation, Proof and Presentation” (2003) 6(2) TJR 131.

“The Supreme Court of NSW:  Tradition and Diversity” (2004) 7(1) TJR 31.

Book Review:  Litigation – Past and Present (2005) 7(2) TJR 233.

“Computers and Law:  The First Quarter Century” (2008) 8(4) TJR 429.

“The Ongoing Ascent of the Australian Magistracy” (2009) 9(2) TJR 149.

The Laws of Australia, Foreword, (2014) vii-x.  

The Kirby Insitute: Annual Report

The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, "Message from the Patron" Kirby Institute Annual Report 2016, 7.

The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG, "Message from the Patron" Kirby Institute Annual Report 2020, 3.

The Lancet: Defeating AIDS - Advancing Global Health

UNAIDS Lancet Commission, Defeating AIDS - Advancing Global Health, The Lancet, London UNADIDS, Geneva June 2015 (Hon. M.D. Kirby was a Commissioner of the the Commission) 

Law Council Review

"The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG" (Apr-Jun 2013) Issue 6, p16.

"Former High Court Judge appointed Head of Tripartite Inquiry into North Korea" (Apr-Jun 2013) Issue 6, p. 40

"From the High Court of Australia to Human Rights in North Korea: A conversation with the honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG" (Aug-Dec 2014) Issue 11, pp. 69-72.

Law in Context

Foreword. (Federation Press) 4th Ed. (2012), p.v.

"Unmet Needs for Legal Services in Australia: Ten Commandments for Australian Law Schools" (2016) Special Issue Law and Love (eds Renata Grossi and Joshua Neoh)  Volume 34 Number 1, 115-142.

Law Gazette

"An Evening With Michael Kirby", Biennial Lecture 2011, Singapore Law Gazette, July 2011, pp. 7-10.

'The Great Dissenter", Singapore Law Gazette, July 2011, pp. 13-15.  

Law and the Human Genome Review

“The Human Genome Project and its challenges to Society” Law & Hum Gen Rev 5/1996:  73-85.

“Human Freedom and the Human Genome (Part I) Law & Hum Gen Rev 10/1999:107-114.

“Human Freedom and the Human Genome (Part II) Law & Hum Gen Rev 11/1999:71-84.

“Human Freedom and the Human Genome (Part II) Law & Hum Gen Rev 15/2001: 65-83.

Law Quarterly Review

“Judicial Dissent – Common Law and Civil Law Traditions” (2007) 123 LQR 379.

"Deconstructing the Law's Hostility to Public Interest Litigation" (2011) 127 LQR 537.

"Legal Obligations, Legal Revolutions" (2018) 134 LQR 43-68.

Law Society Journal

Book Review Settler Sovereignty – Jurisdiction and Indigenous People in America and Australia 1788-1836 by Lisa Ford (2010) 48 Law Society Journal 91.

Book Review Coming to Terms:  Aboriginal Title in South Australia, edited by Shaun Berg, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 2010 - (April 2010) Law Society Journal 82.

Book Review Harvey Milk: An Archive of Hope by June McGowan, University of California Press, 2013, (September 2013) Law Society Journal 51. 

Book Review Chasing Gideon: The Elusive quest for Poor People's Justice by Karen Houppert, The New Press, 2013 - (April 2014) Law Society Journal 52. 

"How I Learned to Drop Latin", March 2013 Vol. 51, No. 2 p.60. 

"The Case That Changed Me" Interview by Kate Allman, LSJ, Issue 49, October 2018, 66. 

"Retirement: Life After Law: A life in the law", LSJ, Issue 03, March 2023, 66-67.


M.D. Kirby, “Judicial Independence and Accountability:  An Asia-Pacific Perspective” [2009] LAWASIAJournal1.

“Judicial Independence and Accountability:  An Asia-Pacific Perspective) [2009] LAWASIAJournal 1.

"Human Rights in North Korea: A Special Challenge for Asia's Lawyers" [2014] LAWASIA J


“Internationalism” The Biggest Change in Law” August 2010, pp18-21.

Legal Education Review

“Changes Seen, Foreseen and Unforeseen” (1993) Vol.4(2) 299.

Legal History

“Teaching Legal History in Australia – Decline & Fall?” (2009) Legal History 13(1) 6.

Legal Studies

“Law Reform and Human Rights – Scarman’s Great Legacy” [2006] Legal Studies 26(4) 449.

“Centenary of H.M. Seervai – Doyen of Indian Constitutional Law – An Australian Appreciation” [2007] Legal Studies 27(3) 361.

“The Common Law and International Law – A Dynamic Contemporary Dialogue” [2010] Legal Studies 30(1) 29.

"The Commonwealth Law and International Law - a Dynamic Contemporary Dialogue" [2010] Legal Studies 30(1) PP.30-60.

Macquarie Law Journal

“Law At Century’s End – A Millennial view from the High Court of Australia” (2001) 1(1) MqLJ 5.

“Law, Human Rights and Religion – Of Genocide, Sexuality and Apostasy” (2009) 9 MqLJ 1.


"The Real Secrets to Everlasting Love" February 2012, Issue 84, pp. 59-60.

Malaysian Student Law Journal

“Legal Professional Ethics in Times of Change” (1996) 2 165.

Meanjin Quarterly

“Remembering Wolfenden” (2010) 69(4) Meanjin Quarterly 142,

Media & Arts Law Review

“Hanging Judges and the Archibald Prize” (2006) 11 MALR 300.

The Medical Journal of Australia

"HIV progress... dropping slow" Vol. 197. No. 11/12 (3/17 December 2012) 607.

"AIDS, loss and renewal" Vol. 201, No. 3 (4 August 2014) 130. 

Melbourne Journal of International Law

“Commentaries:  Transnational Judicial Dialogue, Internationalisation of Law and Australian Judges”, (2008) 9 Melb.J.Int’l Law 171.

“UN Special Procedures – Reflections on the Office of the UN Special Representative for Human Rights in Cambodia” (2010) 11 Melbourne Journal of International Law 491

Melbourne University Law Review

Introduction,(1996) 20 MULR 951.

“A.F. Mason - From Trigwell To Teoh” (1996) 20 MULR 1087.

“Constitutional Interpretation and Original Intent:  A Form of Ancestor Worship?” (2000) 24 MULR 1

“Welcome to Law Reviews” (2002) 26 MULR 1.

“Harold Luntz:  Doyen of the Australian Law of Torts” (2003) 27 MULR 635.

“Chief Justice Nicholson, Australian Family Law and International Human Rights” (2004) 5 MULR 221.

“Sir Isaac Isaacs – A Sesquicentenary Reflection” (2005) 29 MULR 880.

“Judicial Activism:  Power Without Responsibility?  No, Appropriate Activism Conforming to Duty” (2006) 30 MULR 576.

Book Review:  Defamation:  Comparative Law and Practice (2007) 31 MULR 668.

“Transnational Judicial Dialogue, Internationalism of Law and Australian Judges” (2008) 9 MULR 171.

“Of ‘Sham’ and Other lessons for Australian Revenue Law” (2008) 32 MULR 861.

“A Public Conversation on Constitutionalism and the Judiciary Between Professor James Allan and the Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG” (2009) 33(3) MULR 1032.

"Statutory Interpretation: The Meaning of Meaning" (2011) 35 MULR 113.

"The Never-Ending Challenge of Drafting and Interpreting Statutes - A Mediation on the Career of John Finemore QC" (2012) 36 MULR 140.

"Whitlam as Internationalist: A Centenary Reflection" (2016) 39 MULR pp 850-894


“The Constitution as a Protector for Fundamental Rights” (2010) Volulme 39 9.

The Mix

"God and Me", Volume 9 Number 4 - June 2004, 4 

Monash University Law Review

"Administrative Review on the Merits: The Right or Preferable Decision" (1980) 6(3 and 4) Mon LR 171. 

“The Australian Constitution – A Centenary Assessment” (1997) 23(2) Mon LR 229.

“Seven Ages of a Lawyer” (2000) 26 Mon LR 1.

“The Dreyfus Case a Century on – Ten Lessons for Australia” (2006) 32 Mon LR 28.

“Australia’s Growing Debt to the European Court of Human Rights” (2008) 34 Mon LR 239.

The Monthly

"Michael's Canberra", October 2019, ISBN 9 771832 342002 00160

National Law School of India Law Review

“Appointments to Final National Courts – Lessons from Charles Darwin” (2010) 22(2) NLSIR 17.

"COVID-19 & Law in India & Australia - Lessons from the Pandemic for the Costs & Delays of Legal Process" (2021) NLSIR Vol. 33(2).

National Taiwan University Law Review

"Judicial Activism v Strict Constructionism" (2013) 8(1), 205-230.

 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights

“Domestic Courts and International Human Rights Law – The Ongoing Judicial Conversation” (2009) 27(2) NQHR 291.

The Newcastle Law Review

"Self-Determination of Peoples - Origins, Applications and Problems in the Russo-Ukraine War of 2022" (2021-2023) Vol 16 Newcastle Law Review, 1-21.

New South Wales Police News

"A Noble Campaign for Marriage Equality", Book Review of A Private Life reviewed by Ted Bassingthwaighte, (2011), 91(12), 36.

New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law

“Deep Lying Rights – A Constitutional Conversation Continues” (2005) 3 NZJPIP 195.


"LGBTIQ Dinner" Dunmore Lang College Summer Magazine 2016, 24-25.

Nordic Journal of International Law

“Implementing the Bangalore Principles on Human Rights Law” (1989) 58 Nordic Journal of International Law 206.

The Northern Territory Law Reports

 "Human Rights Protection in Australia: A Riposte to Justice Keane" (2013) 2 NTLJ 5, 291-306. 

Now That’s Living

“A Life Less Ordinary” (2010-2011) Now That’s Life Aged Care Queensland, Queensland Government, 25.


“Seven Ages of a Lawyer” (2005) Vol.14(1) 4.

Original Law Review

“Human Rights – Essential for Good Governance” (2005) Orig Law Rev 1(1) 1.

Otago Law Review

“Judicial Activism?  A Riposte to the Counter-Reformation” (2005) Otago LR 11(1) 1.

"Book Reviews:  Account of Profits" (2014) Otago LR 13(2) 369-372. 

"The Foundation at 50: Of Pavlovas, Split Enz, Phar Lap and Renewal" (2016) Otago LR 14(2), 361-368.

Outlook UNAIDS

"Civil Society Activism"AIDS at 30", December 2015, (30) 137.  

Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal

"Transcript of Speech: Constitutional Adjudication and Learning from Each Other: A Comparative Study: A Return to Nigeria" (2012) 12(2)Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal, 371.

Pandora's Box 2011

"H.L.A. Hart, Julius Stone and the Struggle for the Soul of Law" (2011) Pandora's Box 2011 (Publication of the Justice and the Law Society, University of Queensland) 41.

Panorama - The Canberra Times

Dispensing with Justice - Interview with Sally Pryor.  The Canberra Time, Panorama, Saturday 19 June 2010, 7-9.

The Parliamentarian

“Civic Friendship – Building a consensus on conventions in governance in Malawi” July 1997 LXXVIII No.3 218.


“My Inglorious Career with Student Publications” (2010) Volume 1 5,

Privacy Law Bulletin

“The History, Achievement and Future of the 1980 OECD Guidelines on Privacy” (2010) Privacy Law Bulletin 54.

"Interview with the Honourable Michael Kirby" (2016) Privacy Law Bulletin 150-154.

"Privacy and Law Reporting" (November 2020) Privacy Law Bulletin 142-143.

Pro Bono Practices

Foreword, (2008) 4 (published by NSW Young Lawyers and National Pro Bono Resource Centre).


“Privacy Protection – A New Beginning” (2000) Prometheus 18(2) 125.

Psychiatry Psychology and Law

‘Psychiatry, Psychology, Law and Homosexuality – Uncomfortable Bedfellows” (2000) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 7(2) 139.

Public Law Review

“Trans-Tasman Union – Was Sir Douglas Graham Right?” (1999) 10 PLR 295.

Purely Dicta

"Then & Now" (2012) Issue 1, 1.

Qantas: Spirit of Australia

"QSpirit: The Journey: Michael Kirby",  (October 2015) p. 62.


“Strange Tales From Supreme Courts” Quadrant July-August 2001, 10.

“The Literary Desert in Australian Law” Quadrant November 2001, 33

Queensland Legal Yearbook 

John McKenna QC, Queensland Legal Yearbook 2015, "The ACT marriage equality case: losing the battle but winning the constitutional war?" Supreme Court Library Queensland,  p391-402.

Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal

“Law and Justice in Australia:  Room for Improvement” (2004) 2 QUTLJJ 289.

“Equity’s Australian Isolationism” (2008) 8(2) QUTLJJ 444.


“The Law Reform Commission and the essence of Australia” Issue 77, 2000, 60.

“The ALRC – A Winning Formula” Issue 82, 2003, 59.

Obituary – Professor Alex Castles & Associate Professor Gordon Hawkins, Issue 84, 2004, 67.

Res Publica

“National Security:  Proportionality, Restraint & Commonsense” (2004) 13(2) Res Publica 1.

 The Review Anglicare Australia

"Strength to strength: ideas that transform" (2015) 15.

Review Media & Arts Law

Special Issue: Defamation and Privacy, "Publication Privacy: Action at Last (LexisNexis, 2012), 17(2), 202.

Special Issue: Defamation and Privacy, "Michael Kirby: Privacy Pioneer" Raymond Wacks, (LexisNexis, 2012), 17(2), 216.

Rightnow magazine

“The 1967 referendum:  don’t get carried away”, Issue 2, December 2007, p.4.

Round Table

“A Centenary Reflection on the Australian Constitution” The Round Table (2001), 361 (589-606).

"The Charter of the Commonwealth 2011-13: origins, text and potential"  The Round Table (2020), 109 No. 5, 542-558.

"The Charter of the Commonwealth 2011-13: origins, text and potential - Part 2" The Round Table (2020), 109:6, 701-719. 

Sydney Alumni Magazine (SAM)

"Influence: Things You Learn Here" (2016) Issue -04, Semester Two 2016.

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Justice: A Comparative Law Casebook

Foreword, The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG (2012), p.xv. ISBN 978 92 9037 156 0.

SIDA:  Épidémies et sociétés (AIDS:  Epidemics and societies)

“The Five Commandments of AIDS Law”, 20 and 21 June 1987, p.163.

SIDA 2001 (AIDS 2001)

“A second meeting by the lake”, Table Ronde, 22 and 23 April 1989, p.251.

Singapore Academy of Law Journal

“Health Care and Global Justice” (2010 22 SAcLJ 785.

Société des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur & Association Nationale des Membres de l'Ordre National du Mérite

"Occasional Speech by Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG 'International Solidarity with France: A Report from the Trenches'", (6 May 2016) Bulletin No 10 - Année 2016, 10-13. 

South African Journal on Human Rights

“Judicial Review in a Time of Terrorism – Business As Usual, (2006) 22 SAJHR 21.

Southern Cross University School of Law and Justice

“A Decade in the High Court – Continuity and Change” – The Inaugural Michael Kirby Lecture Series 2007.

“Consensus and Dissent and the Proposal for an Australian Statute of Rights” (2008) 12 SCULR 129.

The Art of Judging, A speical issue of the Southern Cross University Law Review (2008) 12 SCULR 129.

“Human Rights in Australia:  What Would a Federal Charter of Rights Look Like?” by Pamela Tate SC, Second Kirby Lecture, (2009-10) 13 SCULR 1.

“Global Commitments to Human Rights in National Courts in the Age of Obama” by Professor Adrien Wing, Third Kirby Lecture, (2009-10) 13 SCULR 25.

“Am Australian Human Rights Act:  Quixotic Impossible Dream or Inevitable Natural Progression?” by Hon. Justice Margaret McMurdo AC, Fourth Kirby Lecture, (2009-10) 13 SCULR 37.

"Constitutional Law and Indigenous Australians: Challenge for a Parched Continent" (2012) 15 SCULR 3.

"The ACT Marriage Equality Case - Losing the Battle But Winning the Constitutional War" (2016) 18 SCULR 79-91

Stanford Journal of International Law

“Transborder Data Flows and the ‘Basic Rules’ of Data Privacy, Stanford Journal of International Law Volume 16, Summer 1980, 27.

Stanford Law & Policy Review

“Law and Sexuality:  The Contrasting Case of Australia”, Volume 12:1 Winter 2001, 103.

The Star Observer

"Happy Mardi Gras! But should we be so happy?" March 2015, 33.

"Closet Case: Michael Kirby" September 2015, 8.

"The Move Towards Global Activism" June 2018, 30.

Statistics, Science and Public Policy

XVIII: evidence, equality and Policy: proceedings of the Conference on statistics, Science and Public Policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, 2013, Chapter 2, "Equality: The Great Challenge of Human Rights", pp. 7-17; Chapter 29, "Summing Up: Parables, Insights, Magic", pp. 165-172. 

XXII: Privilege, Privacy and Priorities: Conference on Statistics, Science and Public Policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, 18-21 April 2018, Chapter 2, "Ave Atque Vale: Five Castle Alumni, 7-13. Chapter 17, "Summing Up" 167-177.

XXIV: Commerce, Culture and Climate: Conference on Statistics, Science and Public Policy held at Herstmonceux Castle, 22-25 April 2020, Chapter 17, "Empires, Settlers, Dispossession and Restoration" 99-111; Chapter 27, "COVID-19: Riddle, Mystery, Enigma" 169-175.  

Statute Law Review

“Towards a Grand Theory of Interpretation” The Case of Statutes and Contracts”, Statute Law Review, 24(2), 95-111.

SUR International Journal on Human Rights

"Conversations: The Report Created a Sensation in the HRC",(July 2016) v.13, n.23, 147-155.

Suffolk University Law Review

“Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Queer Rights, and Literature:  A Conversation” (Hon. Michael Kirby and Ruthann Robson), Suffolk University Law Review, Vol.XLIII:1, 2009, 89.

“Citation of Foreign Decisions in Constitutional Adjudication:  The Relevance of the Democratic Deficit”, Suffolk University Law Review, Vol.XLIII:1, 2009, 119.

“Citation to Foreign Decisions in Constitutional Adjudication”, Twenty Ninth Annual Donohue Lecture Series, Panel Discussion (Eric Blumenson, Hon. John M. Greaney, and Hon. Michael Kirby), Suffolk University Law Review, Vol.XLIII:1, 2009, 135.

Sydney Law School Reports

“Celebration Honours Justice Kirby”, (1996) Sydney Law School Reports, 4(2), 10.

Sydney Law Review

M.D. Kirby, “Uniform Law Reform – Will We Live to See It?” (1977) 8 Sydney Law Review 1.

Book Review, “The Tempting of America:  The Political Seduction of Law” by Robert H. Bork, (1991) Sydney Law Review, 13(1), 103.

Review Essay, “H.L.A. Hart, Julius Stone and the Struggle for the Soul of Law”, (2005) Sydney Law Review, 27(2) 323.

“Judicial Supersession:  The Controversial Establishment of the New South Wales Court of Appeal”, (2008) Sydney Law Review, 30(2), 177.

Book Review, “A Matter of Conscience:  Sir Ronald Wilson” by Antonio Buti, (2009) Sydney Law Review, 31(2), 331.

Taxation in Australia

“Hubris contained:  Why a separate Australian Tax Court should be rejected” Vol.42/3, September 2007, 161.

Justice Graham Hill Memorial Speech, Hobart, Vol.42/4, October 2007, 202.


"Australie Michael Kirby:<< Changer l'attitude sociale>> Tetu. Janvier 2004, 85, 50.   

The Week

“The teachers who made me:  the schooling of a high achiever” The Week 25 February 2011, 36.

Thailand: Constitutional Court Journal

"Constitutional Court of Thailand Course on the Rule of Law for Democracy Address, Bangkok, 12 September 2013, Rule of Law and Constitutionalism: Australian Experience", 2013 (2556) ISSN 1513-1246, pp. 28-45.  


"Spotlight on UNSW: Michael Kirby, by Cameron McPhedran (Arc @ UNSW,2012) 58(4), 19.  

Through our eyes

"Speaking out and Demanding Action" (2014) 141. 

Torts Law Journal

"Of advocates, drunks and other players:  Plain tales from Australia" (2011) 19 TLJ 89.

UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Background, principles and applications

“Article 1:  Scope”, Ethics Series, 2009, 67.

“Article 2:  Aims”, Ethics Series, 2009, 81.

University of British Columbia Law Review

“Human Rights and Technology:  A New Dilemma”, 22(1) (1988) UBC L.Rev, 123.

The University of New South Wales Law Journal

“The Australian Use of International Human Rights Norms:  From Bangalore to Balliol – a View from the Antipodes”, (1993) 16(2) UNSW Law Journal 363.

"Playing God? Owning God? - Patenting and the Human Genome" (2003) 26(3) UNSW Law Journal, 770.

"Terrorism and the Diplomatic Response 2004" (2005) UNSW Law Journal, 28(1), 221-244.

“Maximising Special Leave Performance in the High Court of Australia: Nature and Nurture”, (2007) 30(3), UNSW Law Journal, 731.

Foreword, “Welcome to the Real World”, (The GFC) (2009) 32(2), UNSW Law Journal, 338.

Book Review, Appealing to the Future: Michael Kirby and His Legacy, Ian Freckelton and Hugh Selby (eds) (2009) UNSW Law Journal 32(3) 1073 - 1081.

"Contradictions and Discordancies" (2015) Vol. 38 No. 4, pp 1439-1449.

"Where Does Truth Lie?: The Challenges and Imperatives of Fact-Finding in Trial, Appellate, Civil and Criminal Courts and International Commissions of Inquiry", (2018), Vol 41(2) UNSW Law Journal 293-318.

"Municipal Courts and the International Interpretive Principle: Al-Kateb v Godwin", (2020) Vol 43 No 3 UNSW Law Journal 930-953.

University of New South Wales Faculty of Law Alumninews

“At our going out and our coming in”, No.2 (2008), Alumninews 6.

"An inquiry into Human Rights: Visiting Professorial Fellow Michael Kirby on North Korea", 2014 No.1, pp. 4-10. 

University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review

“Thomas More, Martin Luther and the Judiciary Today”, (1999), 1 UNDALR 1.

“A Blaze in the Sky – The Centenary Conference of the High Court of Australia”, (2004) 6 UNDALR 1.

“Constitutional Law and International Law:  National Exceptionalism and the Democratic Deficit?” (2010) 12 UNDALR 95.

University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law

"Recalcitrant' States: Introduction", (2015) Vol 37/1, 231.

University of Queensland Law Journal

“A Global Approach to Judicial Independence and Integrity”, (2001) 21(2) UQLJ 147

“United Nations – Up Close”, (2005) 24(2) UQLJ 279.

"The Centenary of Sir Harry Gibbs: Constitutional Methodology, Lawmaking & the Marriage Plebiscite" (2016) 35(2) 239-299.

"Rule of Law: Building Blocks, Human Rights and Global Security" (2020) 39(2) 371-388.

University of South Australia Law Review

"The Essential Ivan Shearer: Scholar, Teacher and Practitioner of International Law"  (2022) Vol. 4 1-17.

University of Tasmania Law Review

“Human Rights:  The Challenge for Law Reform”, (1986), 5 University of Tasmania Law Review,103.

Memorial Service for Bruce Piggott CBE, (2000) 19(1) University of Tasmania Law Review 1.

“Three Tasmanian Law Reformers”, (2005) 23(1) University of Tasmania Law Review 1.

“The Growing Impact of International Law on Australian Constitutional Values” (2008) 27 University of Tasmania Law Review 1.

"Reviving the Memory of Andrew Inglis Clark: An Unfinished Federal Project" (2015) Volume 34 Number 2 pp 92-113.

University of Sydney

Leadership for Good Starts Here, "I will find what is unjust and bring it to justice" p.28-29.

University of Western Australia Law Review

"Review of Reg Little and Warren Reed, The Confucian Renaissance, Sydney: Federation Press 1989 ppi-xvi; 1-109, Vol 21 No 2, December 1991, 399-404

"A Global Perspective" (1995) 25(1) UWAL Rev 31

“Genome and Democracy – A Global Challenge” (2003) 31(1) UWAL Rev 1.

“The High Court of Australia and the US Supreme Court:  A Centenary Reflection” (2003) 31(2) UWAL Rev 171.

“Herbert Vere Evatt, the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights After 60 Years” (2009) 34(2) UWAL Rev 238.

University of Western Sydney Law Review

"Delivering an Ex Tempore Judgment" (1995) UWAL Rev 213.

"Judicial Activism" (1997) UWAL Rev 1.

“Liberty, Terrorism and the Courts” (2005) 9 University of Western Sydney Law Review 11.

University of Western Sydney Law Students' Association Student Journal

"Subversive Thoughts for Law Students" (2014) 1(1), 26. 

User’s News

‘Happy Anniversary” Spring 2010 User’s News 11.


Book Review, AIDS:  A Guide to the Law, Volume 8(2), May1995, 120.

“HIV/AIDS:  the challenges for governments”, Volume 10(4), 1997, 218.

“HIV:  Why is governance so critical”, Volume 11(1), 1998, 6.

“Health, law, human rights and revolution”, Volume 14(4), 2001, 191.

Victoria University of Wellington Law Review

“Robin Cooke, Human Rights and the Pacific Dimension” (2008) VUWLR 119.

Victorian Bar News

"Reception in Honour of the Pro Bono Commitments of Members of the Victorian Bar: Honouring pro bono lawyering" 147, Spring 2009, pp. 7-10. 

"Isaac Isaacs: Driven, Difficult, Influential" 154, Summer 2013, pp. 28-31.

The Wentworth Lectures

(ed. Robert Tonkinson) "First Australians, Law and the High Court of Australia: 2010 Wentworth Lecture" p 281.

Who's Who Legal Australia

2018, Arbitration, p13.

Workplace Review

People, Practice, Cases and Trends in Woprkplace Relations (Autumn 2012) Vol 3/1, 35.

"Its All About Johan" (2012) 3 WR 33, p. 35 

World AIDS Day Booklet

Message Michael Kirby, Jurist, academic, HIV advocate and former Justice of the High Court of Australia, 1 December 2020,14.

Message Michael Kirby, Patron of the Kirby Institute, 1 December 2021, 15.

Message Michael Kirby, Patron of the Kirby Institute, 1 December 2023, 24.

Yonsei Journal of Public Governance & Law

"Implementating the Recommendations of the COI Report, and Maintaining the Momentum, Vol.8, No. 2 Aug. 2017 pp 1-22.